首页> 外文期刊>Cancer biology & therapy >Adeno-associated virus type 2 infection of nude mouse human breast cancer xenograft induces necrotic death and inhibits tumor growth

Adeno-associated virus type 2 infection of nude mouse human breast cancer xenograft induces necrotic death and inhibits tumor growth


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We have previously reported that infection with the non-pathogenic, tumor suppressive, wild-type adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) inhibited proliferation of breast cancer-derived lines representing both weakly invasive (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468), as well as aggressive (MDA-MB-231) cancer types. AAV2-induced death occurred via targeting pathways of apoptosis and necrosis. In contrast, normal human mammary epithelial cells were unaffected upon AAV2 infection. The current study characterizes AAV2 infection and subsequent death of the highly aggressive, triple-negative (ER-/PR-/HER2-) MDA-MB-435 cell line derived from metastatic human breast carcinoma. Monolayer MDA-MB-435 cultures infected with AAV2 underwent complete apoptotic cell death characterized by activation of caspases -7, -8, and -9 and PARP cleavage. Death was further correlated with active AAV2 genome replication and differential expression of viral non-structural proteins Rep78 and Rep52. Cell death coincided with increased entry into S and G2 phases, upregulated expression of the proliferation markers Ki-67 and the monomeric form of c-Myc. Expression of the p16INK4, p27KIP1, p21WAF1, and p53 tumor suppressors was downregulated, indicating marked S phase progression, but sharply contrasted with hypo-phosphorylated pRb. In parallel, MDA-MB-435 breast tumor xenografts which received intratumoral injections of AAV2 were growth retarded, displayed extensive areas of necrosis, and stained positively for c-Myc as well as cleaved caspase-8. Therefore, AAV2 induced death of MDA-MB-435 xenografts was modulated through activation of caspaseregulated death pathways in relation to signals for cell cycle controls. Our findings provide foundational studies for development of novel AAV2 based therapeutics for treating aggressive, triple-negative breast cancer types.
机译:我们以前曾报道过,感染非致病性,肿瘤抑制性,野生型腺相关病毒2型(AAV2)会抑制代表微创性的乳腺癌衍生细胞系的增殖(MCF-7和MDA-MB-468)以及侵略性(MDA-MB-231)癌症类型。 AAV2诱导的死亡通过凋亡和坏死的靶向途径发生。相反,正常人的乳腺上皮细胞不受AAV2感染的影响。当前的研究表征了AAV2感染以及继发于人类转移性乳腺癌的高度侵袭性三阴性(ER- / PR- / HER2-)MDA-MB-435细胞系的死亡。感染了AAV2的单层MDA-MB-435培养物发生了凋亡细胞完全死亡,其特征在于胱天蛋白酶-7,-8和-9的激活以及PARP裂解。死亡进一步与活跃的AAV2基因组复制和病毒非结构蛋白Rep78和Rep52的差异表达相关。细胞死亡与进入S和G2期的进入增加,增殖标志物Ki-67的表达上调以及c-Myc的单体形式相吻合。 p16INK4,p27KIP1,p21WAF1和p53肿瘤抑制因子的表达下调,表明S期进程明显,但与磷酸化的pRb形成鲜明对比。同时,接受瘤内注射AAV2的MDA-MB-435乳腺癌异种移植物生长迟缓,表现出广泛的坏死区域,并且c-Myc以及caspase-8裂解呈阳性。因此,AAV2诱导的MDA-MB-435异种移植物的死亡通过与细胞周期控制信号有关的半胱天冬酶调节的死亡途径的激活来调节。我们的发现为开发新型的基于AAV2的治疗激进型三阴性乳腺癌类型的疗法提供了基础研究。



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