首页> 外文期刊>Drug metabolism and drug interactions >A brief critical overview of the biological effects of methylglyoxal and further evaluation of a methylglyoxal-based anticancer formulation in treating cancer patients.

A brief critical overview of the biological effects of methylglyoxal and further evaluation of a methylglyoxal-based anticancer formulation in treating cancer patients.


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A historical perspective on methylglyoxal research is briefly presented, mentioning the documented anticancer and antiviral effects of methylglyoxal. The idea and the supporting experimental evidence of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi et al. that methylglyoxal is a natural growth regulator and can act as an anticancer agent are mentioned. Previously a few in vivo studies suggested safe administration of methylglyoxal. However, recent literature abounds with the toxic effects of methylglyoxal. The authors present a brief critical overview of studies indicating both toxic and beneficial effects of methylglyoxal and suggest that the beneficial effects of methylglyoxal outweigh its toxic effects. Encouraged by the studies of Szent-Gyorgyi et al., the present authors undertook systematic investigations to understand the mechanism of the anticancer effect of methylglyoxal. The results of these investigations led to the proposal that the fundamental changes in malignant cells are critical alterations of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and mitochondrial complex I, and methylglyoxal's anticancer effect might be mediated by acting on these altered sites. Moreover, a new hypothesis on cancer has been proposed, suggesting that excessive ATP formation in cells may lead to malignancy. Toxicity and pharmacokinetic studies were performed on animals and it was observed that methylglyoxal is potentially safe for humans. A methylglyoxal-based anticancer formulation was developed and a three-phase study of treating a total number of 86 cancer patients was carried out. The results appear to be promising. Most of the cancer patients benefited greatly and a significant number of patients became free of the disease. Contrary to the effect of existing anticancer drugs, this methylglyoxal-based formulation is devoid of any toxic effect and reasonably effective against a wide variety of cancers. The symptomatic improvements of the many patients who died of progressive disease suggest that the formulation could also be used for palliation. The authors urge the scientific community to test the formulation and if found effective then to improve it further.
机译:简要介绍了甲基乙二醛研究的历史观点,并提到了甲基乙二醛的抗癌和抗病毒作用。 Albert Szent-Gyorgyi等人的想法和支持的实验证据。提到了甲基乙二醛是一种天然的生长调节剂,并可以作为抗癌药。以前,一些体内研究表明可以安全地服用甲基乙二醛。然而,最近的文献充斥着甲基乙二醛的毒性作用。作者对研究表明甲基乙二醛的毒性和有益作用进行了简要的批判性综述,并提出甲基乙二醛的有益作用大于其毒性作用。在Szent-Gyorgyi等人的研究的鼓励下,本作者进行了系统的研究,以了解甲基乙二醛的抗癌作用机理。这些研究的结果提出了这样的建议,即恶性细胞的根本变化是3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶和线粒体复合体I的关键改变,而甲基乙二醛的抗癌作用可能是通过作用于这些改变的部位来介导的。而且,已经提出了关于癌症的新假设,表明细胞中过量的ATP形成可能导致恶性肿瘤。在动物身上进行了毒性和药代动力学研究,发现甲基乙二醛对人类是潜在安全的。开发了一种基于甲基乙二醛的抗癌制剂,并进行了一项三阶段研究,共治疗了86位癌症患者。结果似乎很有希望。大多数癌症患者受益匪浅,许多患者摆脱了疾病。与现有抗癌药的作用相反,这种基于甲基乙二醛的制剂没有任何毒性作用,并且可以有效地抵抗多种癌症。许多死于进行性疾病的患者的症状改善表明该制剂也可用于缓解症状。作者敦促科学界测试该配方,如果发现有效,则应进一步改进。



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