首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering >Efficient Production of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester from Waste Activated Bleaching Earth Using Diesel Oil as Organic Solvent

Efficient Production of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester from Waste Activated Bleaching Earth Using Diesel Oil as Organic Solvent


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Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) production from waste activated bleaching earth (ABE) discarded by the crude oil refining industry was investigated using fossil fuel as a solvent in the ester-ification of triglycerides.Lipase from Candida cylindracea showed the highest stability in diesel oil.Using diesel oil as a solvent,3 h was sufficient to obtain a yield of approximately 100% of FAME in the presence of 10% lipase from waste ABE.Kerosene was also a good solvent in the es-terification of triglycerides embedded in the waste ABE.Fuel analysis showed that the FAME produced using diesel oil as a solvent complied with the Japanese diesel standard and the 10% residual carbon amount was lower than that of FAME produced using other solvents.Use of diesel oil as solvent in the FAME production from the waste ABE simplified the process,because there was no need to separate the organic solvent from the FAME-solvent mixture.These results demonstrate a promising reutilization method for the production of FAME,for use as a biodiesel,from industrial waste resources containing waste vegetable oils.



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