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Increased asymptomatic airway hyper-responsiveness in obese individuals


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Objective. Asymptomatic airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) represents a risk of further accelerated decline in lung function, and of asthma. Due to the fact that rare and contradictory results exist concerning the impact of obesity on BHR, we re-assessed the prevalence of bronchial hyper-responsiveness (BHR) in a large cohort of 60 lean, 84 overweight, and 360 class 1-3 obese non-asthmatic individuals, by coupled plethysmography and spirometry. Methods. Baseline-specific airway conductance (SGaw) and spirometric values were measured and then a methacholine challenge testing (MCT) was performed and considered as positive when a ≥200% increase in specific airway resistance (SRaw = 1/SGaw) was reached. Results. Compared to lean and overweight subjects, obese subjects of any class presented about a twice more frequent AHR (~ 50% in obese vs. 17 and 26% in lean and overweight subjects, respectively). However, the bronchial sensitivity (methacholine dose doubling SRaw) and the shape of the relationship between SGaw and cumulative methacholine doses were the same in the five groups of individuals. Conclusion. The present data show a more frequent AHR in obese subjects. The association of plethysmography with spirometry, by taking into account the bronchodilator effect of the lung inflation (preceding the expiratory flow measurement) in some individuals, permitted to include some MCT which would have been otherwise excluded.
机译:目的。无症状的气道高反应性(AHR)表示有进一步加速肺功能下降和哮喘风险的风险。由于存在关于肥胖症对BHR的影响的罕见且矛盾的结果,我们对60例瘦,84例超重和360例1-3级肥胖人群中的支气管高反应性(BHR)患病率进行了重新评估。非哮喘患者,通过体积描记法和肺量计相结合。方法。测量基线特异性气道电导率(SGaw)和肺活量测定值,然后进行乙酰甲胆碱激发试验(MCT),当达到特定气道阻力增加≥200%(SRaw = 1 / SGaw)时,视为阳性。结果。与瘦身和超重受试者相比,任何类别的肥胖受试者出现AHR的频率大约高一倍(肥胖者分别约为50%,而瘦身和超重受试者分别为17%和26%)。但是,在五组个体中,支气管敏感性(美沙胆碱剂量加倍SRaw)以及SGaw与累积乙酰甲胆碱剂量之间的关系形状相同。结论。目前的数据显示,肥胖受试者的AHR更为频繁。体积描记法与肺活量测定法的结合,考虑到某些人的肺膨胀的支气管扩张作用(在呼气流量测量之前),允许包括一些本应排除的MCT。



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