首页> 外文期刊>Journal of autism and developmental disorders >Design and subject characteristics in the federally-funded citalopram trial in children with pervasive developmental disorders

Design and subject characteristics in the federally-funded citalopram trial in children with pervasive developmental disorders


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The Studies to Advance Autism Research and Treatment Network conducted a randomized trial with citalopram in children with Pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs). We present the rationale, design and sample characteristics of the citalopram trial. Subjects (128 boys, 21 girls) had a mean age of 9.3 (±3.12) years; 132 (88.6%) were diagnosed with autistic disorder (4.7% with Asperger's Disorder; 6.7% with PDD-not otherwise specified). Less than half of the subjects were intellectually disabled; 117 (78.5%) were rated Moderate or Marked on the Clinical Global Impression for Severity. Study measures were similar to previous Research Units on Pediatric Psychopharmacology trials. Subjects in this trial were slightly older and more likely to have complaints of repetitive behavior than participants in RUPP trials.
机译:先进的自闭症研究和治疗网络研究对泛发性发育障碍(PDD)儿童进行了西酞普兰随机试验。我们介绍了西酞普兰试验的原理,设计和样品特征。受试者(128名男孩,21名女孩)的平均年龄为9.3(±3.12)岁; 132例(88.6%)被诊断出患有自闭症(阿斯伯格氏病占4.7%; PDD占6.7%,未另作说明)。不到一半的受试者是智障者; 117(78.5%)被评为严重程度在临床总体印象中为中级或标记。研究措施与先前的小儿心理药理学研究部门相似。与RUPP试验的参与者相比,该试验的受试者年龄稍大一些,并且对重复行为的抱怨更大。



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