首页> 外文期刊>Journal of autism and developmental disorders >Resolution of the Diagnosis Among Parents of Childrenwith Autism Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Childand Parent Characteristics

Resolution of the Diagnosis Among Parents of Childrenwith Autism Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Childand Parent Characteristics


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Resolution with the diagnosis of one's childinvolves coming to terms with and accepting the diagnosisand its implications. Parental resolution with the diagnosiswas examined among 61 mothers and 60 fathers of 61children with autism spectrum disorders aged 2-17 years.We investigated resolution rates and subtypes, and asso-ciations between resolution status and child characteristics(CA, gender, MA, adaptive behavior, diagnosis type, timeelapsed since diagnosis) and parent characteristics (age,gender, IQ, broad autism phenotype index, special needs'impact on family). Nearly half of the parents were classi-fied as resolved. Maternal but not paternal resolution statuswas associated with reported negative impact of raising achild with a disability on family life, but not with othercharacteristics of the child or the parent.
机译:诊断孩子的解决方案涉及接受和接受诊断及其含义。在2-17岁患有自闭症谱系障碍的61名儿童中,有61名母亲和60名父亲对父母的诊断进行了调查。 ,诊断类型,自诊断以来所经历的时间)和父母特征(年龄,性别,智商,广泛的自闭症表型指数,特殊需求对家庭的影响)。将近一半的父母被归类为已解决。产妇而非父母的解决状态与所报告的抚养残疾儿童对家庭生活的负面影响有关,但与儿童或父母的其他特征无关。



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