首页> 外文期刊>Journal of autism and developmental disorders >Brief Report: Adults with Mild Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Scores on the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and Comorbid Psychopathology

Brief Report: Adults with Mild Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Scores on the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and Comorbid Psychopathology


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While knowledge about symptom presentation of adults with mild ASD, including comorbid psychopathology,is limited, referral of adults with suspected mild PDD is increasing. We report on pilot research investigating whether patients diagnosed with mild ASD (n 15) and patients who were not diagnosed with ASD (n = 21) differed in terms of (a) AQ scores and (b) Axis I and II disorders,assessed by the SCAN and the IPDE. Additionally, AQ scores were compared with those from non-ASD patients referred to a general outpatient clinic (n = 369). The results showed very few differences between ASD patients and non-ASD patients. Self-report may not differentiate mild ASD patients from non-ASD patients and Axis I and II disorders seem equally prevalent among these two groups.
机译:虽然对包括轻度合并症在内的轻度ASD成年人的症状表现的了解有限,但对可疑轻度PDD成年人的转诊却在增加。我们报告了一项初步研究,调查了被诊断为轻度ASD的患者(n = 15)和未被诊断为ASD的患者(n = 21)在(a)AQ评分和(b)轴I和II轴疾病方面是否存在差异,由扫描和IPDE。此外,将AQ得分与转诊至普通门诊的非ASD患者的得分进行了比较(n = 369)。结果显示ASD患者和非ASD患者之间的差异很小。自我报告可能无法将轻度ASD患者与非ASD患者区分开,并且Axis I和II疾病在这两组中似乎同样普遍。



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