首页> 外文期刊>Circulation: An Official Journal of the American Heart Association >Clinical usefulness, angiographic characteristics, and safety evaluation of intracoronary acetylcholine provocation testing among 921 consecutive white patients with unobstructed coronary arteries

Clinical usefulness, angiographic characteristics, and safety evaluation of intracoronary acetylcholine provocation testing among 921 consecutive white patients with unobstructed coronary arteries


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Background - : Coronary spasm can cause myocardial ischemia and angina in patients with and those without obstructive coronary artery disease. However, provocation tests using intracoronary acetylcholine administration are rarely performed in clinical routine in the United States and Europe. Thus, we assessed the clinical usefulness, angiographic characteristics, and safety of intracoronary acetylcholine provocation testing in white patients with unobstructed coronary arteries. METHODS AND RESULTS - : From September 2007 to June 2010, a total of 921 consecutive patients (362 men, mean age 62±12years) who underwent diagnostic angiography for suspected myocardial ischemia and were found to have unobstructed coronary arteries (no stenosis ≤50%) were enrolled. The intracoronary acetylcholine provocation testing was performed directly after angiography according to a standardized protocol. Three hundred forty-six patients (35%) reported chest pain at rest, 222 (22%) reported chest pain on exertion, 238 (24%) reported a combination of effort and resting chest pain, and 41 (4%) presented with troponin-positive acute coronary syndrome. The overall frequency of epicardial spasm (>75% diameter reduction with angina and ischemic ECG shifts) was 33.4%, and the overall frequency of microvascular spasm (angina and ischemic ECG shifts without epicardial spasm) was 24.2%. Epicardial spasm was most often diffuse and located in the distal coronary segments (P<0.01). No fatal or irreversible nonfatal complications occurred. However, 9 patients (1%) had minor complications (nonsustained ventricular tachycardia [n=1], fast paroxysmal atrial fibrillation [n=1], symptomatic bradycardia [n=6], and catheter-induced spasm [n=1]). CONCLUSIONS - : Epicardial and microvascular spasm are frequently found in white patients with unobstructed coronary arteries. Epicardial spasm is most often diffuse and located in the distal coronary segments. The intracoronary acetylcholine provocation test is a safe technique to assess coronary vasomotor function.
机译:背景-冠状动脉痉挛可对患有或未患有阻塞性冠状动脉疾病的患者造成心肌缺血和心绞痛。然而,在美国和欧洲,很少在临床常规中使用冠状动脉内乙酰胆碱给药进行激发试验。因此,我们评估了白人冠状动脉通畅患者的冠状动脉内乙酰胆碱激发试验的临床实用性,血管造影特征和安全性。方法和结果-:从2007年9月至2010年6月,共有921例连续的患者(362例男性,平均年龄62±12岁)因疑似心肌缺血而接受了诊断性血管造影,被发现冠状动脉畅通无阻(狭窄度≤50%) )被录取。冠状动脉内乙酰胆碱激发试验是在血管造影后根据标准化方案直接进行的。 346例患者(35%)报告了静止时的胸痛,222例(22%)报告了劳累性胸痛,238例(24%)报告了努力与静息性胸痛的结合,41例(4%)肌钙蛋白阳性的急性冠脉综合征。心外膜痉挛的总发生频率(心绞痛和缺血性心电图改变导致直径减少> 75%)和微血管痉挛的总发生频率(无心外膜痉挛的心绞痛和缺血性ECG改变)为24.2%。心外膜痉挛最常扩散并位于冠状动脉远端段(P <0.01)。没有发生致命的或不可逆的非致命并发症。但是,有9例(1%)发生了轻度并发症(不持续的室性心动过速[n = 1],阵发性房性心动过速[n = 1],症状性心动过缓[n = 6]和导管诱发的痉挛[n = 1]) 。结论-:患有冠状动脉通畅的白人患者经常发现心外膜和微血管痉挛。心外膜痉挛最常扩散并位于冠状动脉远端。冠状动脉内乙酰胆碱激发试验是评估冠状动脉血管舒缩功能的安全技术。



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