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PhytCore ODB: A new tool to improve efficiency in the management and exchange of information on phytoliths

机译:PhytCore ODB:一种新的工具,可提高对硅藻土信息的管理和交换效率

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Online databases (ODB's) ensure access to comparative phytolith keys to facilitate phytolith identification in plants. But, can they be improved in a more efficient way? This paper presents PhytCore version 2.0 (www.phytcore.org), which has been adapted from a searchable database to a multi-user work tool. The ODB includes digital images, and related information, of phytoliths from modern plant material, modern soils, paleosoils and archaeological material. It includes as well quantitative data related to the percentage presence of phytolith morphotypes in each given sample and it is structured to manage phytolith data and the retrieving of information through one or various simultaneous queries. PhytCore 2.0 is a multiplatform with a responsive design interface that enables access through desktop computers, mobile and tablet devices. PhytCore 2.0 is also and interactive platform opened to discussions and to the participation of other research groups who would like to share their own data while keeping copyright. Our aim is to offer the fruits of this research worldwide to facilitate international data sharing and optimize the available resources. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在线数据库(ODB)确保访问比较的植物石器密匙,以促进植物中植物石体的识别。但是,能否以更有效的方式进行改进?本文介绍了PhytCore 2.0版(www.phytcore.org),该版本已从可搜索的数据库改编为多用户工作工具。 ODB包括来自现代植物材料,现代土壤,古土壤和考古材料的植石体的数字图像和相关信息。它还包括与每个给定样品中的叶硅藻形态型百分比存在有关的定量数据,并被构造为通过一个或多个同时进行的查询来管理叶硅藻数据和信息检索。 PhytCore 2.0是具有响应式设计界面的多平台,可通过台式计算机,移动设备和平板电脑进行访问。 PhytCore 2.0也是一个交互式平台,开放给讨论和其他研究小组的参与,他们希望在保留版权的同时共享自己的数据。我们的目标是在全球范围内提供这项研究的成果,以促进国际数据共享并优化可用资源。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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