首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Psychology >Daily Work–Family Conflict and Alcohol Use: Testing the Cross-LevelModeration Effects of Peer Drinking Norms and Social Support

Daily Work–Family Conflict and Alcohol Use: Testing the Cross-LevelModeration Effects of Peer Drinking Norms and Social Support


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In the current study, we conducted daily telephone interviews with a sample of Chinese workers (N =57) for 5 weeks to examine relationships between daily work–family conflict and alcohol use. Drawnfrom the tension reduction theory and the stressor–vulnerability model, daily work–family conflictvariables were hypothesized to predict employees' daily alcohol use. Further, social variables (i.e., peerdrinking norms, family support, and coworker support) were hypothesized to moderate the relationshipbetween work–family conflict and alcohol use. Results showed that daily work-to-family conflict but notfamily-to-work conflict had a significant within-subject main effect on daily alcohol use. In addition,there was significant between-subject variation in the relationship between work-to-family conflict andalcohol use, which was predicted by peer drinking norms, coworker support, and family support. Thecurrent findings shed light on the daily health behavior consequences of work–family conflict andprovide important theoretical and practical implications.
机译:在当前的研究中,我们对中国工人(N = 57)进行了为期5周的每日电话采访,以调查日常工作与家庭冲突与饮酒之间的关系。从减少压力理论和压力-脆弱性模型得出的假设,假设日常工作-家庭冲突变量可预测员工的日常饮酒量。此外,假设社会变量(即同龄人饮酒规范,家庭支持和同事支持)可以缓解工作-家庭冲突与饮酒之间的关系。结果显示,日常工作与家庭冲突而不是家庭与工作之间的冲突对日常饮酒具有显着的主体内主要影响。此外,在工作与家庭之间的冲突与饮酒之间的关系中,受试者之间存在显着差异,这是由同伴饮酒规范,同事支持和家庭支持预测的。当前的发现揭示了工作与家庭冲突对健康的日常影响,并提供了重要的理论和实践意义。



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