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Total phenol, catechin, and caffeine contents of teas commonly consumed in the United Kingdom


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Levels of total phenol, catechins, and caffeine in teas commonly consumed in the United Kingdom have been determined using reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Tea bags or tea leaves were purchased from local supermarkets and extracted in boiling water for 5 min. The resulting data showed considerable variability in both total phenols [80.5-134.9 mg/g of dry matter (DM) in black teas and 87-106.2 mg/g of DM in green teas] and catechins (5.6-47.5, 51.5-84.3, and 8.5-13.9 mg/g of DM in black, green, and fruit teas, respectively); this was most probably a result of differing agronomic conditions, leaf age, and storage during and after transport, as well as the degree of fermentation. Caffeine contents of black teas (22-28 mg/g of DIM) were significantly higher than in less fermented green teas (11-20 mg/g of DM). The relative concentration of the five major tea catechins ranked EGCG > ECG > EC > EGC > C. The estimated U.K. dietary intakes of total tea catechins, calculated on the basis of an average tea consumption of three cups of tea (200 mL cup, 1% tea leaves w/v), were 61.5, 92.7, and 405.5 mg/day from fruit teas, black teas, and green teas, respectively. The coefficients of variation were 19.4, 88.6, and 17.3%, respectively, indicating the wide variation in these intakes. The calculated caffeine intake ranged between 92 and 146 mg/day. In addition, many individuals will consume much larger quantities of tea, of various strengths (as determined by the brewing conditions employed). This broad spread of U.K. daily intakes further emphasizes the need for additional research to relate intake and effect in various population groups.
机译:使用反相高效液相色谱法测定了英国常见的茶中总酚,儿茶素和咖啡因的含量。茶袋或茶叶是从当地超市购买的,并在沸水中提取5分钟。所得数据显示,总酚[红茶中的干物质为80.5-134.9 mg / g,绿茶中的干物质为87-106.2 mg / g]和儿茶素(5.6-47.5、51.5-84.3,在黑茶,绿茶和果茶中的DM含量分别为8.5-13.9 mg / g);这很可能是由于农艺条件,叶龄,运输过程中和运输后的储存以及发酵程度不同所致。红茶中的咖啡因含量(22-28 mg / g DIM)明显高于未发酵的绿茶(11-20 mg / g DM)中的咖啡因含量。五个主要茶儿茶素的相对浓度为EGCG> ECG> EC> EGC> C.英国饮食中总茶儿茶素的估计摄入量是根据三杯茶的平均茶消耗量(200毫升杯,1从果茶,红茶和绿茶中分别得到的茶叶%w / v)分别为61.5、92.7和405.5mg /天。变异系数分别为19.4%,88.6%和17.3%,表明这些摄入量差异很大。计算出的咖啡因摄入量为每天92至146 mg。另外,许多人将消耗大量的各种浓度的茶(取决于所采用的冲泡条件)。英国每日摄入量的广泛分布进一步强调了需要进行更多研究以将不同人群的摄入量和影响联系起来的必要性。



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