首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Localization of Puroindoline-a and Lipids in Bread Dough Using Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy.

Localization of Puroindoline-a and Lipids in Bread Dough Using Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy.


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Puroindolines are lipid-binding proteins from wheat flour that play a significant role in bread crumb texture. The localization of wheat flour lipids and puroindoline-a (PIN-a) in bread dough was studied by confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Wheat lipids were located around gas cells (GC) and embedded within the protein-starch matrix (SPM) of the dough. PIN-a was mainly located in the matrix of dough, where it was associated with lipids. In contrast, in defatted dough, PIN-a was found around GC. Addition of puroindolines in bread dough induced a defatting of the gas bubble surface and a decrease of the lipid vesicles and/or droplet size embedded within the SPM. Therefore, puroindolines control the lipid partitioning within the different phases of dough, a phenomenon that should have important consequence on the gas bubble expansion and GC formation in the further stages (fermentation, baking) of the bread-making process.
机译:Puroindolines是来自小麦粉的脂质结合蛋白,在面包屑质地中起重要作用。通过共聚焦扫描激光显微镜(CSLM)研究了面包面团中小麦面粉脂质和puroindoline-a(PIN-a)的定位。小麦脂质位于气室(GC)周围,并嵌入面团的蛋白质-淀粉基质(SPM)中。 PIN-a主要位于面团的基质中,与脂质相关。相反,在脱脂面团中,在GC周围发现了PIN-a。在面包面团中添加嘌呤二氢吲哚可引起气泡表面脱脂,并减少SPM中嵌入的脂质囊泡和/或液滴尺寸。因此,puroindolines控制面团不同阶段中脂质的分配,这种现象对面包制作过程的其他阶段(发酵,烘烤)中的气泡膨胀和GC形成具有重要影响。



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