首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry >Oxidation process affecting fatty acids and cholesterol in fried androasted salmon

Oxidation process affecting fatty acids and cholesterol in fried androasted salmon


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Salmon was processed by three different culinary techniques: pan-frying with olive oil, pan-frying with soya oil, and roasting. Roasting did not modify the fat content from that of raw samples. Frying increased the fat content 2-fold, with no difference between samples fried with different oils. Total cholesterol oxidized products (COPs) were 0.74, 2.98, 3.35, and 7.38 mug/g fat in raw, fried with olive oil, fried with soya oil, and roasted salmon, respectively, which represent 0.01, 0.08, 0.09, and 0.15% of cholesterol. A significant correlation (r = 0.902, less than or equal to 0.01) was found between acidity index and total COPs. The most abundant COPs were 7-ketocholesterol, which appeared in all the samples, and cholestanetriol (one of the most citotoxic COP), which appeared only in cooked samples (1.05-1.33 mug/g fat). All cooked samples supplied more omega -6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) than raw samples and showed higher omega -6/omega -3 ratios. Roasted salmon showed the lowest omega -3 content and the highest PUFAs/(SFAs)-C18:0 and MUFAs+PUFAs/(SFAs-C18:0) ratios.
机译:三文鱼采用三种不同的烹饪技术进行加工:用橄榄油煎锅,用大豆油煎锅和烘烤。焙烧不会改变原始样品中的脂肪含量。油炸使脂肪含量增加了2倍,而用不同的油油炸的样品之间没有差异。原料中的总胆固醇氧化产物(COP)分别为0.74、2.98、3.35和7.38杯/克脂肪,分别是橄榄油,大豆油和烤三文鱼,分别为0.01、0.08、0.09和0.15%胆固醇。发现酸度指数和总COP之间有显着的相关性(r = 0.902,小于或等于0.01)。 COP最丰富的是在所有样品中出现的7-酮胆固醇,而胆甾烷三醇(最具毒性的COP之一)仅在煮熟的样品中出现(1.05-1.33杯/克脂肪)。所有煮熟的样品都比原始样品提供更多的ω-6多元不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),并且显示出更高的ω-6/ o-3比率。烤鲑鱼的欧米茄-3含量最低,PUFAs /(SFA)-C18:0和MUFAs + PUFAs /(SFAs-C18:0)的比例最高。



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