首页> 外文期刊>Japanese journal of clinical oncology. >A computer-assisted model for predicting probability of dying within 7 days of hospice admission in patients with terminal cancer.

A computer-assisted model for predicting probability of dying within 7 days of hospice admission in patients with terminal cancer.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study is to compare the accuracy in using laboratory data or clinical factors, or both, in predicting probability of dying within 7 days of hospice admission in terminal cancer patients. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study of 727 patients with terminal cancer. Three models for predicting the probability of dying within 7 days of hospice admission were developed: (i) demographic data and laboratory data (Model 1); (ii) demographic data and clinical symptoms (Model 2); and (iii) combination of demographic data, laboratory data and clinical symptoms (Model 3). We compared the models by using the area under the receiver operator curve using stepwise multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: We estimated the probability dying within 7 days of hospice admission using the logistic function, P = Exp(betax)/[1 + Exp(betax)]. The highest prediction accuracy was observed in Model 3 (82.3%), followed by Model 2 (77.8%) and Model 1 (75.5%). The log[probability of dying within 7 days/(1 - probability of dying within 7 days)] = -6.52 + 0.77 x (male = 1, female = 0) + 0.59 x (cancer, liver = 1, others = 0) + 0.82 x (ECOG score) + 0.59 x (jaundice, yes = 1, no = 0) + 0.54 x (Grade 3 edema = 1, others = 0) + 0.95 x (fever, yes = 1, no = 0) + 0.07 x (respiratory rate, as per minute) + 0.01 x (heart rate, as per minute) - 0.92 x (intervention tube = 1, no = 0) - 0.37 x (mean muscle power). CONCLUSIONS: We proposed a computer-assisted estimated probability formula for predicting dying within 7 days of hospice admission in terminal cancer patients.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是比较使用实验室数据或临床因素(或两者)预测晚期癌症患者临终关怀住院后7天内死亡的准确性。方法:我们对727例晚期癌症患者进行了一项前瞻性队列研究。建立了三种预测临终关怀住院7天之内死亡可能性的模型:(i)人口统计数据和实验室数据(模型1); (ii)人口统计资料和临床症状(模型2); (iii)人口统计数据,实验室数据和临床症状的组合(模型3)。我们通过使用逐步多元对数回归使用接收者算子曲线下的面积来比较模型。结果:我们使用对数函数P = Exp(betax)/ [1 + Exp(betax)]估算了临终关怀住院7天内死亡的可能性。在模型3(82.3%)中观察到最高的预测准确性,其次是模型2(77.8%)和模型1(75.5%)。 log [7天内死亡的概率/(1-7天内死亡的概率)] = -6.52 + 0.77 x(男性= 1,女性= 0)+ 0.59 x(癌症,肝脏= 1,其他= 0) + 0.82 x(ECOG得分)+ 0.59 x(黄疸,是= 1,否= 0)+ 0.54 x(3级水肿= 1,其他= 0)+ 0.95 x(发烧,是= 1,否= 0)+ 0.07 x(每分钟的呼吸频率)+ 0.01 x(每分钟的心率)-0.92 x(干预管= 1,否= 0)-0.37 x(平均肌肉力量)。结论:我们提出了一种计算机辅助的估计概率公式,用于预测晚期癌症患者临终关怀住院后7天内的死亡。



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