首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Effect of linseed oil and fish oil alone or as an equal mixture on ruminal fatty acid metabolism in growing steers fed maize silage-based diets.

Effect of linseed oil and fish oil alone or as an equal mixture on ruminal fatty acid metabolism in growing steers fed maize silage-based diets.


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Because of the potential benefits to human health, there is interest in increasing 18:3n-3, 20:5n-3, 22:6n-6, and cis-9,trans-11 CLA in ruminant foods. Four Aberdeen Angus steers (406+or-8.2 kg of BW) fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a 4x4 Latin square experiment with 21-d periods to examine the potential of fish oil (FO) and linseed oil (LO) in the diet to increase ruminal outflow of trans-11 18:1 and total n-3 PUFA in growing cattle. Treatments consisted of a control diet (60:40; forage:concentrate ratio, on a DM basis, respectively) based on maize silage, or the same basal ration containing 30 g/kg of DM of FO, LO, or a mixture (1:1, wt/wt) of FO and LO (LFO). Diets were offered as total mixed rations and fed at a rate of 85 g of DM/(kg of BW0.75/d). Oils had no effect (P=0.52) on DMI. Linseed oil had no effect (P
机译:由于对人类健康有潜在的益处,因此有兴趣增加18:3n-3、20:5n-3、22:6n-6和顺式 -9,反式 -11 CLA。在4x4的拉丁方实验中,在21天的时间内使用了四个装有瘤胃和十二指肠插管的阿伯丁安格斯牛(406 +或-8.2 kg体重),以检查鱼油(FO)和亚麻子油(LO)的潜力。日粮中增加反刍动物反刍动物 trans -11 18:1和总n-3 PUFA的日粮。处理方法包括:以玉米青贮饲料为基础的对照饮食(60:40;分别以DM为基础的牧草:浓缩物比例),或以DM,FO,LO或混合物的DM含量为30 g / kg的相同基础日粮(1 FO和LO(LFO)的重量比为1:1。饮食以总混合日粮的形式提供,并以85 g DM /(kg BW 0.75 / d)的速率进食。油对DMI没有影响( P = 0.52)。亚麻籽油对瘤胃的pH或VFA浓度没有影响( P <0.05)18:0,顺式 18:1(Delta 9,12-15), trans 18:1(Delta 4-9、11-16), trans 18:2,Delta 9,11,Delta 11,13和Delta 13,15 CLA的几何异构体,反式 -8,顺式 -10 CLA,反式 -10,反式 -12 CLA,反式 -12, trans -14 CLA和18:3n-3在十二指肠流动。饮食中含有FO导致 cis -9 16:1, trans 16:1的流量更大( P <0.05) 6-13),顺式 18:1(Delta 9、11和13), trans 18:1(Delta 6-15), trans 18:2、20:5n-3、22:5n-3和22:6n-3,并在十二指肠相对于对照组降低( P <0.001)18:0。对于十二指肠处的大多数脂肪酸,对LFO的反应介于FO和LO之间。但是,LFO导致总 trans 18:1的流量( P = 0.04)比LO更大,并且增加了( P <0.01) trans -6 16:1和 trans -12 18:1。瘤胃中 cis -9 18:1和18:2n-6的生物氢化作用与治疗无关,但是FO和LO均增加( P <0.001)程度。与对照相比18:3n-3生物氢化。 LO和LFO的瘤胃18:3n-3生物氢化比FO大( P <0.001),而瘤胃中20:5n-3和22:6n-3的生物氢化略少(< LFO比FO的i> P = 0.05)。总之,以30 g / kg DM的LO和FO改变了瘤胃中不饱和脂肪酸的生物氢化作用,导致十二指肠特定中间体的流量增加,但是这些油单独或作为混合物进料的潜力在牛十二指肠增加n-3 PUFA似乎是有限的。



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