首页> 外文期刊>Circulation journal >Constrictive pericarditis with intrapericardial abscess

Constrictive pericarditis with intrapericardial abscess


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A 67-year-old man presenting with persistent high fever (>38degC) was admitted to hospital. He had a medical history of unoperated constrictive pericarditis, and several other complications such as previously surgery for Budd-Chiari syndrome, chronic hepatitis C infection and previous esophageal transection because of bleeding from esoph-ageal varices. Laboratory data showed leukocytosis (22,000/mul) and elevated C-reactive protein (32mg/dl). He immediately underwent whole-body computed tomography, which revealed only the known pericardial calcification (Figure 1). Furthermore, transthoracic echocardiography revealed no remarkable findings except for rapid atrial fibrillation and the known constrictive pericarditis. No obvious focus of infection was found. Multiple blood cultures were positive for methicillin-resis-tant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and intensive intravenous antibiotic therapy was initiated to the unknown focus of the MRSA infection; however, his general condition gradually worsened and he died on hospital day 31 from uncontrolled MRSA infection and multi-organ dysfunction. We performed only a partial autopsy of his heart according to the wishes of his family.
机译:一名持续发高烧(> 38℃)的67岁男子入院。他有未进行手术的缩窄性心包炎的病史,以及其他一些并发症,例如先前因Bud-Chiari综合征而手术,慢性C型肝炎感染和因食管静脉曲张破裂出血导致的食管横切。实验室数据显示白细胞增多(22,000 / mul)和升高的C反应蛋白(32mg / dl)。他立即进行了全身计算机断层扫描,这只显示了已知的心包钙化(图1)。此外,经胸超声心动图检查没有发现明显的发现,除了快速的房颤和已知的缩窄性心包炎。没有发现明显的感染焦点。多次血液培养对耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)呈阳性,并开始对MRSA感染的未知病灶进行强化静脉内抗生素治疗。然而,他的一般情况逐渐恶化,他在第31天因不受控制的MRSA感染和多器官功能障碍而死亡。我们仅根据他家人的意愿对他的心脏进行了部分解剖。



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