首页> 外文期刊>Journal of anesthesia >Difficult tracheal intubation using the Airway Scope in a patient with unexpected mouth-opening difficulty.

Difficult tracheal intubation using the Airway Scope in a patient with unexpected mouth-opening difficulty.


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Some reports show that the Airway Scope facilitates tracheal intubation in patients with difficult airways [1-3]. We report a difficult tracheal intubation using the Airway Scope in a patient with unexpected mouth-opening and laryngoscopic difficulty.A 37-year-old woman, 161 cm in height and weighing 55 kg, underwent ovarian resection under general and epidural anesthesia. (Written informed consent was obtained from the patient to publish this report.) The patient was diagnosed with mild asthma and hypertension, with no medicine prescribed. She had been treated with a mouthpiece from 16 years ago until 5 years ago because of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Physical examination before anesthesia showed that the Mallampati score was class 1 and the width of mouth opening was more than two fingerbreadths.Anesthesia was induced with 100 mg propofol. Neuro-muscular blockage was monitored with the TOF-Watch during anesthesia. After administering 30 mg rocuronium, waning of thenar muscle contraction and a TOF count of 0 were observed. Continuous infusion of remifentanil was started at a speed of 0.27 u.g/kg/min. The patient showed restricted mouth opening of one fingerbreadth. Jaw movement within this breadth was straightforward, but we did not apply a jaw thrust maneuver.
机译:一些报告表明,气道镜可帮助气道困难的患者进行气管插管[1-3]。我们报告了使用气道镜对一名意想不到的张口和喉镜困难的患者进行的气管插管困难。一名37岁的女性,身高161厘米,体重55公斤,在全麻和硬膜外麻醉下进行了卵巢切除术。 (已获得患者的书面知情同意,以发表此报告。)患者被诊断患有轻度哮喘和高血压,未开药。从16年前到5年前,她因颞下颌关节(TMJ)疾病接受过烟嘴治疗。麻醉前的体格检查显示Mallampati评分为1级,张口宽度超过两个手指宽度.100 mg异丙酚可诱发麻醉。麻醉期间用TOF-Watch监测神经肌肉阻塞情况。施用30 mg罗库溴铵后,观察到the肌收缩减弱,TOF计数为0。瑞芬太尼以0.27 u.g / kg / min的速度开始连续输注。该患者显示出一只手指的张口受限。在此范围内下颌运动很简单,但我们没有进行下颌推力操纵。



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