首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Relationship of hospital teaching status with quality of care and mortality for Medicare patients with acute MI.

Relationship of hospital teaching status with quality of care and mortality for Medicare patients with acute MI.


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CONTEXT: Issues of cost and quality are gaining importance in the delivery of medical care, and whether quality of care is better in teaching vs nonteaching hospitals is an essential question in this current national debate. OBJECTIVE: To examine the association of hospital teaching status with quality of care and mortality for fee-for-service Medicare patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Analysis of Cooperative Cardiovascular Project data for 114,411 Medicare patients from 4361 hospitals (22,354 patients from 439 major teaching hospitals, 22,493 patients from 455 minor teaching hospitals, and 69,564 patients from 3467 nonteaching hospitals) who had AMI between February 1994 and July 1995. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Administration of reperfusion therapy on admission, aspirin during hospitalization, and beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors at discharge for patients meeting strict inclusion criteria; mortality at 30, 60, and 90 days and 2 years after admission. RESULTS: Among major teaching, minor teaching, and nonteaching hospitals, respectively, administration rates for aspirin were 91.2%, 86.4%, and 81.4% (P<.001); for angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 63. 7%, 60.0%, and 58.0% (P<.001); for beta-blockers, 48.8%, 40.3%, and 36.4% (P<.001); and for reperfusion therapy, 55.5%, 58.9%, and 55.2% (P =.29). Differences in unadjusted 30-day, 60-day, 90-day, and 2-year mortality among hospitals were significant at P<.001 for all time periods, with a gradient of increasing mortality from major teaching to minor teaching to nonteaching hospitals. Mortality differences were attenuated by adjustment for patient characteristics and were almost eliminated by additional adjustment for receipt of therapy. CONCLUSIONS: In this study of elderly patients with AMI, admission to a teaching hospital was associated with better quality of care based on 3 of 4 quality indicators and lower mortality. JAMA. 2000;284:1256-1262
机译:背景:在医疗服务的提供中,成本和质量问题变得越来越重要,在当前的全国性辩论中,教学质量和非教学医院的护理质量是否更好是一个重要的问题。目的:探讨付费医疗Medicare急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者的医院教学状况与护理质量和死亡率的关系。设计,地点和患者:对2月份之间AMI的4 361所医院的114,411名Medicare患者(439所主要教学医院的22,354例患者,455所小型教学医院的22,493例患者和3467所非教学医院的69,564例患者)的合作心血管计划数据进行了分析1994年和1995年7月。主要观察指标:对入院,住院期间服用阿司匹林,出院时使用β受体阻滞剂和血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂的患者进行严格的再灌注治疗;入院后30、60和90天和2年的死亡率。结果:在大型教学医院,小型教学医院和非教学医院中,阿司匹林的使用率分别为91.2%,86.4%和81.4%(P <.001);对于血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂,分别为63. 7%,60.0%和58.0%(P <.001);对于β受体阻滞剂,分别为48.8%,40.3%和36.4%(P <.001);对于再灌注疗法,分别为55.5%,58.9%和55.2%(P = .29)。在所有时间段内,未经调整的30天,60天,90天和2年医院之间的死亡率差异均显着,P <.001,从主要教学到次要教学再到非教学医院的死亡率都在增加。通过调整患者特征可以降低死亡率差异,而通过接受治疗的额外调整几乎可以消除这种差异。结论:在这项针对老年AMI患者的研究中,基于4项质量指标中的3项,入读教学医院与更好的护理质量相关,并且死亡率更低。贾玛2000; 284:1256-1262



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