首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Anticonvulsant medications and the risk of suicide, attempted suicide, or violent death.

Anticonvulsant medications and the risk of suicide, attempted suicide, or violent death.


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CONTEXT: In 2008, the US Food and Drug Administration mandated warning labeling for anticonvulsant medications regarding the increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The decision was based on a meta-analysis not sufficiently large to investigate individual drugs. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the risk of suicidal acts and combined suicidal acts or violent death associated with individual anticonvulsants. DESIGN: A cohort study of the risk of suicidal acts and combined suicidal acts or violent death in patients beginning use of anticonvulsant medications compared with patients initiating a reference anticonvulsant drug. SETTING AND PATIENTS: Patients 15 years and older from the HealthCore Integrated Research Database (HIRD) who began taking an anticonvulsant between July 2001 and December 2006. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Cox proportional hazards models and propensity score-matched analyses were used to evaluate risk of attempted or completed suicide and combined suicidal acts or violent death, controlling for psychiatric comorbidities and other risk factors, among individual anticonvulsants compared with topiramate and secondarily carbamazepine. RESULTS: The study identified 26 completed suicides, 801 attempted suicides, and 41 violent deaths in 297,620 new episodes of treatment with an anticonvulsant (overall median follow-up, 60 days). The incidence of the composite outcomes of completed suicides, attempted suicides, and violent deaths for anticonvulsants used in at least 100 treatment episodes ranged from 6.2 per 1000 person-years for primidone to 34.3 per 1000 person-years for oxcarbazepine. The risk of suicidal acts was increased for gabapentin (hazard ratio [HR], 1.42; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.11-1.80), lamotrigine (HR, 1.84; 95% CI, 1.43-2.37), oxcarbazepine (HR, 2.07; 95% CI, 1.52-2.80), tiagabine (HR, 2.41; 95% CI, 1.65-3.52), and valproate (HR, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.25-2.19), compared with topiramate. The analyses including violent death produced similar results. Gabapentin users had increased risk in subgroups of younger and older patients, patients with mood disorders, and patients with epilepsy or seizure when compared with carbamazepine. CONCLUSION: This exploratory analysis suggests that the use of gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, and tiagabine, compared with the use of topiramate, may be associated with an increased risk of suicidal acts or violent deaths.
机译:背景:2008年,美国食品和药物管理局(US Food and Drug Administration)强制规定抗惊厥药物的警告标签应说明自杀念头和行为的风险增加。该决定是基于一项荟萃分析得出的,该荟萃分析的规模不足以调查单个药物。目的:评估与个别抗惊厥药有关的自杀行为,合并的自杀行为或暴力死亡的风险。设计:一项队列研究,与开始使用参考抗惊厥药物的患者相比,开始使用抗惊厥药物的患者发生自杀行为和合并自杀行为或暴力死亡的风险。地点和患者:HealthCore综合研究数据库(HIRD)中15岁及15岁以上的患者,于2001年7月至2006年12月开始服用抗惊厥药。主要观察指标:使用Cox比例风险模型和倾向评分匹配分析来评估患上惊厥的风险。与托吡酯和卡马西平相比,在个别抗惊厥药中尝试或完全自杀,并合并了自杀行为或暴力死亡,控制了精神病合并症和其他危险因素。结果:这项研究在297,620例新的抗惊厥药物治疗发作中,共完成了26例自杀,801例未遂自杀和41例暴力死亡(总体中位随访时间为60天)。至少100次治疗发作中使用的完成性自杀,自杀未遂和暴力死亡的复合结果的发生率范围为:每1000人年6.2人中的primidone到每1000人年34.3人的奥卡西平。加巴喷丁(危险比[HR]为1.42; 95%置信区间[CI]为1.11-1.80),拉莫三嗪(HR为1.84; 95%CI为1.43-2.37),奥卡西平(HR,与托吡酯比较,分别为2.07; 95%CI,1.52-2.80),替加滨(HR,2.41; 95%CI,1.65-3.52)和丙戊酸盐(HR,1.65; 95%CI,1.25-2.19)。包括暴力死亡在内的分析产生了相似的结果。与卡马西平相比,加巴喷丁使用者在年轻和老年患者,情绪障碍患者以及癫痫或癫痫发作患者的亚组中风险增加。结论:这项探索性分析表明,与使用托吡酯相比,使用加巴喷丁,拉莫三嗪,奥卡西平和替加巴滨可能增加自杀行为或暴力死亡的风险。



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