首页> 外文期刊>Dreaming: journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams >Cthulhu Fhtagn: Dreams and Nightmares in the Fantasy Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft

Cthulhu Fhtagn: Dreams and Nightmares in the Fantasy Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft

机译:Cthulhu Fhtagn:H. P. Lovecraft幻想小说中的梦与梦

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This article discusses the central role of dreaming in the life and fiction of the American writer H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937). Many of Lovecraft's stories were directly inspired by his own personal dreams and nightmares. Lovecraft was not particularly well known during his lifetime, but his reputation as a master of short horror fiction has cast enormous influence on the fantasy and science fiction genres for many decades. Almost all of his stories create a "dreamy" atmosphere of uncertainty, mystery, and potential danger, and several of them use dreams as key elements in the plot. The article suggests that Lovecraft was a big dreamer who cultivated metacognitive skills for exploring and writing about the mystical and gravitational dimensions of prototypical dreaming.
机译:本文讨论了梦在美国作家H. P. Lovecraft(1890-1937)的生活和小说中的核心作用。 Lovecraft的许多故事都直接受到他自己的梦想和噩梦的启发。 Lovecraft在他的一生中并不是特别出名,但几十年来,他作为短篇恐怖小说大师的声誉对幻想和科幻小说类型产生了巨大影响。他的几乎所有故事都营造出不确定,神秘和潜在危险的“梦幻”氛围,其中一些故事将梦作为情节中的关键要素。这篇文章表明,Lovecraft是一个伟大的梦想家,他培养了元认知技能,以探索和写作原型梦中的神秘和引力维度。



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