首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Arts, Humanity and Economics, Management >Science Fiction Movie: An Extension of Technology Fantasy - Discrimination Research on the Development of Modern Science and Technology by Science Fiction Movies

Science Fiction Movie: An Extension of Technology Fantasy - Discrimination Research on the Development of Modern Science and Technology by Science Fiction Movies

机译:科幻电影:科技幻想 - 科幻科学技术幻想歧视研究



2019 years, a series of sci-fi movies such as "The Wandering Earth" received rave reviews. Science fiction movies not only have strong entertainment, but also science, so it can promote the spread and development of science. At the same time, science and technology provide conceptual space and technical support for the creation of science fiction movies, enhancing the visibility and entertainment of movies. Science fiction movies interact with science and technology and promote each other. This paper starts from the science fiction film research and prove through case analysis that the science fiction film is based on science and technology, and it can also be used as one of the means to promote the development of modern technology.
机译:2019年,一系列科幻电影,如“游荡地球”接受了狂欢评价。 科幻电影不仅具有强大的娱乐,还有科学,所以它可以促进科学的传播和发展。 与此同时,科技为科幻电影创造的概念空间和技术支持,增强了电影的知名度和娱乐。 科幻电影与科学技术互动,互相互动。 本文从科幻电影研究开始,通过案例分析,科幻电影基于科学和技术,也可以作为促进现代技术发展的手段之一。



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