首页> 外文期刊>Japanese Journal of Tribology >The influence of pores at sliding faces and the pores diameter on mechanical seals performance

The influence of pores at sliding faces and the pores diameter on mechanical seals performance


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Sliding tests of mechanical seals were performed by lubrication with water and using a dense test specimen, test specimens with dispersed pores, and machined porous test specimens. In the tests, the influence of the presence of pores on sliding surfaces and of the diameter of pores was determined. Machined porous test specimens were prepared by machining dense test specimens so that pores would be imparted to their sliding surface. The surface roughness and the pore surface ratio of the porous region were similar to those of test specimens with dispersed pores. Results obtained by sliding tests indicated that in cases where the pore surface ratio was 8%, test specimens with pores of less than 40μm on their sliding surfaces showed a reduction of the coefficient of friction, a reduction of temperature in the region adjacent to the sliding surface, and better stability than those of dense test specimens, which completely excluded the development of leakage. It was found that there exist two regions, a region in which the coefficient of friction and temperature adjacent to the sliding surface depended on the pore diameter and a region in which such dependence was absent. The presence of pores on the sliding surface reduced the dimensionless characteristic value G (G{sub}(min)) at which the coefficient of friction would be minimal by about 1×10{sup}(-8) as compared to that of a dense test specimen.
机译:机械密封的滑动测试是通过用水润滑并使用致密的试样,具有分散孔的试样和机加工的多孔试样进行的。在测试中,确定了孔的存在对滑动表面的影响以及孔的直径。通过加工致密的试样制备机加工的多孔试样,以便在其滑动表面上形成孔。多孔区域的表面粗糙度和孔表面比率类似于具有分散的孔的试样的表面粗糙度和孔表面比率。通过滑动试验获得的结果表明,在孔表面比率为8%的情况下,在其滑动表面上具有小于40μm的孔的试样显示出摩擦系数的降低,在滑动附近的区域的温度降低了。比致密的试样具有更好的表面稳定性,完全排除了泄漏的发生。发现存在两个区域,与滑动表面相邻的摩擦系数和温度取决于孔直径的区域和不存在这种依赖性的区域。滑动表面上的孔的存在降低了无量纲特征值G(G {sub}(min)),在该值处,摩擦系数与a相比最小,约为1×10 {sup}(-8)。致密的试样。



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