首页> 外文期刊>JAIDS: Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes >Men who have sex with men have a 140-fold higher risk for newly diagnosed HIV and syphilis compared with heterosexual men in New York City.

Men who have sex with men have a 140-fold higher risk for newly diagnosed HIV and syphilis compared with heterosexual men in New York City.


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OBJECTIVES: To describe the population of men who have sex with men (MSM) in New York City, compare their demographics, risk behaviors, and new HIV and primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis rates with those of men who have sex with women (MSW), and examine trends in infection rates among MSM. DESIGN: Population denominators and demographic and behavioral data were obtained from population-based surveys during 2005-2008. Numbers of new HIV and P&S syphilis diagnoses were extracted from city-wide disease surveillance registries. METHODS: We calculated overall, age-specific and race/ethnicity-specific case rates and rate ratios for MSM and MSW and analyzed trends in MSM rates by age and race/ethnicity. RESULTS: The average prevalence of male same-sex behavior during 2005-2008 (5.0%; 95% CI: 4.5 to 5.6) differed by both age and race/ethnicity (2.3% among non-Hispanic black men; 7.4% among non-Hispanic white men). Compared with MSW, MSM differed significantly on all demographics and reported a higher prevalence of condom use at last sex (62.9% vs. 38.3%) and of past-year HIV testing (53.6% vs. 27.2%) but also more past-year sex partners. MSM HIV and P&S syphilis rates were 2526.9/100,000 and 707.0/100,000, each of which was over 140 times MSW rates. Rates were highest among young and black MSM. Over 4 years, HIV rates more than doubled and P&S syphilis rates increased 6-fold among 18-year-old to 29-year-old MSM. CONCLUSIONS: The substantial population of MSM in New York City is at high risk for acquisition of sexually transmitted infections given high rates of newly diagnosed infections and ongoing risk behaviors. Intensified and innovative efforts to implement and evaluate prevention programs are required.
机译:目的:为了描述纽约市与男性发生性关系的男性人口,将其人口统计学特征,危险行为,新的艾滋病毒和主要和次要梅毒率与与女性发生性关系的男性进行比较( MSW),并检查MSM之间的感染率趋势。设计:人口分母以及人口和行为数据来自2005-2008年基于人口的调查。从全市疾病监测登记处提取了许多新的HIV和P&S梅毒诊断病例。方法:我们计算了MSM和MSW的总体,特定年龄和种族/民族特定病例率和比率,并分析了按年龄和种族/民族划分的MSM率趋势。结果:2005-2008年间,男性同性行为的平均患病率(5.0%; 95%CI:4.5至5.6)因年龄和种族/民族而异(非西班牙裔黑人男性为2.3%;非西班牙裔黑人为7.4%西班牙裔白人)。与MSW相比,MSM在所有人口统计数据上均存在显着差异,并且报告的最后一次性行为使用安全套的患病率(62.9%比38.3%)和去年的艾滋病毒检测率(53.6%比27.2%)更高,但去年也更高性伴侣。 MSM HIV和P&S梅毒率分别为2526.9 / 100,000和707.0 / 100,000,两者均是MSW率的140倍以上。在年轻和黑人MSM中发病率最高。在过去的4年中,HIV感染率从18岁到29岁MSM的两倍多,P&S梅毒率增加了6倍。结论:鉴于新诊断的感染率高和持续的危险行为,纽约市大量MSM人群极易发生性传播感染。需要加大力度和创新力度来实施和评估预防方案。



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