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Working and waiting: Homeless drinkers responses to less affordable alcohol


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A number of authorities have called recently for fixed minimum prices on alcohol. For example, a minimum of 50 pence per 8 g unit of ethanol has been suggested in the UK [1], AUdollar1.20 per 10 g standard drink in Australia [2] and CAdollar 1.50 per 13.45 g standard drink in British Columbia [3]. A frequently aired objection to minimum pricing polices is that people on low or no income and who are severely alcohol dependent may be pushed into committing crimes to obtain alcohol and/or resort to more dangerous non-beverage sources, such as methylated spirits, ethanol-based mouthwash, hand-sanitiser or aftershave [e.g. 4]. One possible harm reduction response to the latter problem is to provide some severely alcohol dependent individuals with access to less hazardous forms of alcohol in a controlled environment-variously termed 'wet shelters' or 'managed alcohol programs' (MAPs) [e.g. 5]. Such programs have been available in Ontario, Canada for some years and are beginning to be introduced in British Columbia-although the idea is much older [e.g. 6].
机译:最近,许多当局呼吁对酒精的最低价格实行固定。例如,英国建议每8克乙醇最少50便士[1],澳大利亚建议每10克标准饮料至少AUdollar1.20 [2],不列颠哥伦比亚省每13.45 g标准饮料至少1.50 CAdollar [3]。 ]。对最低价格政策的常见反对意见是,低收入或无收入且严重依赖酒精的人可能会被迫犯罪以获取酒精和/或诉诸更危险的非饮料来源,例如甲基化酒精,乙醇,漱口水,洗手液或须后水[例如4]。解决后一种问题的一种可能的危害减轻措施是,在受控的环境(称为“湿庇护所”或“有管理的酒精计划”)中,为一些严重依赖酒精的人提供危害程度较小的酒精。 5]。此类程序已经在加拿大安大略省使用了数年,并且开始在不列颠哥伦比亚省推出,尽管这个想法年代久远[例如, 6]。



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