首页> 外文期刊>Drug development and industrial pharmacy >Effect of simulated gastrointestinal conditions on drug release from pectin/ethylcellulose as film coating for drug delivery to the colon.

Effect of simulated gastrointestinal conditions on drug release from pectin/ethylcellulose as film coating for drug delivery to the colon.


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The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of acidic pH representative of gastric fluid on the release of 5-aminosalicylic acid from beads coated with pectin/ethylcellulose as film coating intended for drug delivery to the colon, in media mimicking the lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract and representative of colonic conditions. In this work, the in vitro incubation of the beads in acid medium was found to influence the hydration and the swelling characteristics of pectin after transfer into simulated intestinal fluid and simulated cecal fluid containing pectinolytic enzymes. Moreover, the drug release profiles from the beads in simulated intestinal fluid after incubation for 2 h or 30 min in simulated gastric fluid vs. no acid incubation were found to be very different. The in vitro degradation of pectin in the coat by pectinolytic enzymes in simulated cecal fluid depended on whether the beads were placed in simulated gastric fluid prior to testing in simulated intestinal fluid. The percentage drug release also depended on the ratio of pectin to ethylcellulose in the coat.
机译:这项工作的目的是研究在模仿下胃肠道的培养基中,代表胃液的酸性pH值对果胶/乙基纤维素涂层薄膜中的5-氨基水杨酸的释放作用,该薄膜用作药物向结肠的膜涂层。胃肠道,代表结肠疾病。在这项工作中,发现珠子在酸性介质中的体外温育会影响果胶在转移到含有果胶分解酶的模拟肠液和模拟盲肠液中后的水合作用和溶胀特性。此外,在模拟胃液中孵育2 h或30分钟后,与未在酸性条件下孵育相比,在模拟肠液中从珠粒释放的药物具有很大差异。在模拟的盲肠液中,果胶中的果胶在体外被果胶分解酶降解取决于在实验肠液中进行测试之前,是否将珠粒置于模拟的胃液中。药物释放的百分比还取决于果皮中果胶与乙基纤维素的比例。



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