首页> 外文期刊>Digestive Diseases and Sciences >The cannabis hyperemesis syndrome characterized by persistent nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and compulsive bathing associated with chronic marijuana use: a report of eight cases in the United States.

The cannabis hyperemesis syndrome characterized by persistent nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and compulsive bathing associated with chronic marijuana use: a report of eight cases in the United States.


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GOALS/BACKGROUND: The cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, which is associated with chronic cannabis use, was recently reported in seven case reports and one clinical series of ten patients from Australia. We further characterize this syndrome with eight well-documented cases in the United States and report results of cannabis discontinuation and cannabis rechallenge. STUDY METHODS: Patients were identified by the three investigators in gastroenterology clinic or inpatient wards at William Beaumont Hospital from January to August 2009 based on chronic cannabis use; otherwise unexplained refractory, recurrent vomiting; and compulsive bathing. Charts were retrospectively analyzed with follow-up data obtained from subsequent physician visits and patient interviews. RESULTS: The eight patients on average were 32.4 +/- 4.1 years old. Five were male. The mean interval between the onset of cannabis use and development of recurrent vomiting was 19.0 +/- 3.7 years. Patients had a mean of 7.1 +/- 4.3 emergency room visits, 5.0 +/- 2.7 clinic visits, and 3.1 +/- 1.9 admissions for this syndrome. All patients had visited at least one other hospital in addition to Beaumont Hospital. All patients had vomiting (mean vomiting episodes every 3.0 +/- 1.7 h), compulsive bathing (mean = 5.0 +/- 2.0 baths or showers/day; mean total bathing time = 5.0 +/- 5.1 h/day), and abdominal pain. Seven patients took hot baths or showers, and seven patients experienced polydipsia. Four out of five patients who discontinued cannabis use recovered from the syndrome, while the other three patients who continued cannabis use, despite recommendations for cessation, continued to have this syndrome. Among those four who recovered, one patient had recurrence of vomiting and compulsive bathing with cannabis resumption. CONCLUSIONS: Cannabis hyperemesis is characterized by otherwise unexplained recurrent nausea and vomiting, compulsive bathing, abdominal pain, and polydipsia associated with chronic cannabis use. This syndrome can occur in the United States as well as in Australia. Cannabis cessation may result in complete symptomatic recovery.
机译:目标/背景:最近有7例病例报告和来自澳大利亚的10名患者的临床系列报告了与慢性大麻使用相关的大麻呕吐综合征。我们在美国有8个记录充分的病例中进一步表征了这种综合征,并报告了大麻停用和大麻再挑战的结果。研究方法:2009年1月至2009年8月,由威廉·博蒙特医院胃肠病学诊所或住院病房的三名研究人员根据慢性大麻的使用对患者进行了鉴定。否则原因不明的难治性反复呕吐;和强迫性沐浴。使用从随后的医师就诊和患者访谈中获得的随访数据对图表进行回顾性分析。结果:八名患者平均年龄为32.4 +/- 4.1岁。五是男性。吸食大麻与复发呕吐之间的平均间隔为19.0 +/- 3.7年。该综合征患者平均接受7.1 +/- 4.3急诊就诊,5.0 +/- 2.7诊所就诊以及3.1 +/- 1.9入院。除博蒙特医院外,所有患者都去过至少另一家医院。所有患者均有呕吐(平均每3.0 +/- 1.7小时呕吐发作),强迫性沐浴(平均= 5.0 +/- 2.0浴/淋浴/天;平均总沐浴时间= 5.0 +/- 5.1 h /天)和腹部痛。七名患者洗热水澡或淋浴,七名患者经历了多饮。五分之一的停止使用大麻的患者从该综合征中康复,而其他三名继续使用大麻的患者尽管建议戒烟,但仍患有该综合征。在恢复的四名患者中,有一名患者呕吐和强迫性沐浴复发并恢复了大麻。结论:大麻的呕吐的特征是无法解释的反复出现的恶心和呕吐,强迫性沐浴,腹痛和与长期使用大麻有关的烦恼。该综合征可以在美国和澳大利亚发生。戒烟可能会导致症状完全恢复。



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