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Horticulture of the Taj Mahal: Gardens of the imagination


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The 17th century mausoleum in Agra, India, known as the Taj Mahal, has been long considered one of the most, if not the most, beautiful building, in the world. The structure is part of a large complex of buildings and gardens encompassing 1.7 hectares. Although usually considered in terms of its architecture, the building and grounds are rich in horticulture. The gardens in the Persian style, although considerably altered from the original, are justly famous. The external and internal walls are profusely ornamented with bas reliefs and stone inlays of flowers and plants that combine Persian, Indian, and Western influences. Ornamental geophytes are a prominent part of floral imagery The architecture, garden, and decoration of the Taj Mahal are considered the pinnacle of Indo-Mughal art.
机译:印度阿格拉的17世纪陵墓被称为泰姬陵(Taj Mahal),长期以来一直被认为是世界上,即使不是最美丽的建筑之一。该结构是占地1.7公顷的大型建筑物和花园综合体的一部分。尽管通常从建筑的角度来考虑,但是建筑物和场地都拥有丰富的园艺。波斯风格的花园虽然与原始风格相比有很大的变化,但是却很有名。外墙和内墙装饰有深浅的浮雕,以及花卉和植物的石刻镶嵌物,融合了波斯,印度和西方的影响。观赏植物是花卉意象的重要组成部分。泰姬陵的建筑,花园和装饰被认为是印度-莫卧儿艺术的巅峰之作。



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