首页> 外文期刊>Diseases of Aquatic Organisms >Acute and chronic effects of Cr(VI) on Hypsiboas pulchellus embryosand tadpoles

Acute and chronic effects of Cr(VI) on Hypsiboas pulchellus embryosand tadpoles


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In the last few years there has been great concern about declines in the abundance of several species of amphibians around the world. Among amphibians, anurans have a biphasic life cycle, with aquatic tadpoles and generally terrestrial adults, and they have an extremely permeable skin, making them excellent indicators of the health of the environment. A number of different causes have been suggested for the global decline of anurans, the pollution of their habitat by chemical stressors being considered one of the major factors. Among chemical stressors, heavy metals are known for their high toxicity at very low concentrations. This study assessed short- (96 h, 'acute') and long-term (1272 h, 'chronic') exposure to Cr(VI) at lethal (3 to 90 mg l super(-1)) and sublethal concentrations (0.001 to 12 mg l super(-1)) on Hypsiboas pulchellus (previously called Hyla pulchella; see Faivovich et al. 2005) tadpoles (Fam. Hylidae) from central eastern Argentina. Fertilized eggs collected from a clean pond near la Plata (Buenos Aires Province) were used for acute and chronic toxicity testing. Assays were done under controlled laboratory conditions. Results of chronic exposure were used to assess the effect of factors such as toxicant concentration and age of organisms at the beginning of exposure on the response variables (growth, development and survival until metamorphosis). Results indicated a higher sensitivity to Cr(VI) of individuals first exposed as tadpoles than those first exposed as embryos during acute and chronic exposure. Exposure to the highest sublethal concentrations (6 to 12 mg l super(-1)) of the toxicant showed early inhibitory effects on growth of all treated organisms compensated at longer exposure periods with an increase in the growth rate compared to the control groups.
机译:在过去的几年中,人们对世界上几种两栖动物的丰度下降感到非常关注。在两栖动物中,无色动物的生命周期是双相的,有水生generally和一般为陆生成年动物,并且它们的皮肤具有极强的渗透性,使其成为环境健康的极佳指标。有人提出了各种不同的原因导致全球无环金龟数量的下降,化学应激源对它们的栖息地的污染被认为是主要因素之一。在化学应激源中,重金属以极低的浓度具有高毒性而闻名。这项研究评估了在致命(3至90 mg l super(-1))和亚致死浓度(0.001)下短期(96 h,'急性')和长期(1272 h,'慢性')暴露于Cr(VI)到阿根廷东部中部的Hypsiboas pulchellus(以前称为Hyla pulchella;参见Faivovich等人,2005年)上的12 mg l super(-1))。从拉普拉塔(布宜诺斯艾利斯省)附近的干净池塘收集的受精卵用于急性和慢性毒性测试。在受控实验室条件下进行测定。慢性接触的结果用于评估诸如接触开始时的毒物浓度和生物体年龄等因素对反应变量(生长,发育和存活直至变态)的影响。结果表明,在急性和慢性暴露下,首次暴露于t的个体对Cr(VI)的敏感性高于最初暴露于embryo的个体。与对照组相比,暴露于最高致死浓度(6至12 mg l super(-1))的毒物显示了对所有处理过的生物的早期抑制作用,这些生物在更长的暴露时间下得到补偿,且生长速率增加。



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