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Clostridium difficile: emerging public health threat and other nosocomial or hospital acquired infections. Foreword.


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Reports questioning the safety of hospitals began to appear in the 1990s. The Institute of Medicine reported, in 1999, that deaths attributable to medical errors in the form of incompatible transfusions, wrong site surgeries, medication errors, etc exceeded the number of deaths from breast cancer, motor vehicle accidents, and AIDS combined.While new protocols and regulations have made hospitals safer, we are now faced with a different form of safety threat and find ourselves in the midst of an epidemic of hospital-acquired infections, among them methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resis-tant enterococci, and several gram-negative bacteria, including those producing extended spectrum beta-lactamases, and Clostridium difficile. Today, these infections challenge our ability to heal patients who are older, have more comorbidities than ever before, and may be on medications that compromise immune function.
机译:对医院安全性提出质疑的报告始于1990年代。美国医学研究所(Institute of Medicine)于1999年报告说,由于输血不当,不正确的部位手术,用药错误等形式的医学错误而导致的死亡人数超过了因乳腺癌,机动车事故和艾滋病而死亡的人数。法规使医院变得更加安全,我们现在面临着另一种形式的安全威胁,使自己陷入医院获得性感染的流行之中,其中包括耐甲氧西林的金黄色葡萄球菌,耐万古霉素的肠球菌,还有一些革兰氏阴性细菌,包括产生超广谱β-内酰胺酶和艰难梭菌的细菌。今天,这些感染挑战了我们治愈年龄更大,合并症比以往更多的患者的能力,并且可能正在使用损害免疫功能的药物。



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