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Distinguishing Between Realistic and Fantastical Figures in Iran


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Children in the United States come to distinguish historical from fictional story figures between the ages of 3 and 5 years, guided by the plausibility of the story events surrounding the figure (Corriveau, Kim, Schwalen, & Harris, 2009; Woolley & Cox, 2007). However, U.S. children vary in their reactions to stories that include fantastical events. Secular children with no religious education think of such stories and their protagonists as fictional, whereas children who have had a religious education are more prone to think of them as historically true. In the current studies, we asked if a sample of children in Iran who are regularly exposed to religious narratives in their daily lives resemble religious children in the United States. As expected, Iranian 5- and 6-year-olds systematically categorized figures in realistic stories as real, but they were also prone to think of figures in fantastical stories as real. We suggest that children's willingness to conceive of figures in fantastical stories as real is explained by their exposure to religious narratives alleging that miracles have actually happened.
机译:在儿童围绕故事发生的真实性的指导下,美国儿童开始区分3至5岁之间的历史故事与虚构的故事人物(Corriveau,Kim,Schwalen和Harris,2009年; Woolley和Cox,2007年) )。但是,美国儿童对包括幻想事件在内的故事的反应各不相同。没有宗教教育的世俗儿童将这样的故事及其主角视为虚构,而接受过宗教教育的儿童则更倾向于将其视为历史真实。在当前的研究中,我们询问伊朗的一部分儿童在日常生活中经常受到宗教叙事的影响,是否类似于美国的宗教儿童。不出所料,伊朗的5岁和6岁儿童系统地将现实故事中的人物归类为真实人物,但他们也倾向于将幻想故事中的人物视为真实人物。我们建议,孩子们愿意将幻想故事中的人物想象成真实的意愿,可以通过他们对宗教叙事的暴露来解释,这些故事声称奇迹确实发生了。



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