首页> 外文期刊>Diabetes care >A critical evaluation of glycated protein parameters in advanced nephropathy: A matter of life or death. Time to dispense with the hemoglobin A1C in end-stage kidney disease

A critical evaluation of glycated protein parameters in advanced nephropathy: A matter of life or death. Time to dispense with the hemoglobin A1C in end-stage kidney disease


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An ideal assay for long-term glycemic control in diabetes would accurately reflect recent serum glucose concentrations and predict hypoglycemia-and hyperglycemia-related complications. Hemoglobin A1C (A1C) remains a widely used and trusted tool for assessing glycemic control in patients who lack advanced nephropathy or anemia. The accuracy and predictive ability of the A1C in those with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) has recently been called into question. The relationship of A1C to serum glucose concentrations changes markedly in advanced nephropathy, as a lower Al C level is seen for similar glucose levels compared with patients without nephropathy.
机译:糖尿病长期血糖控制的理想方法是准确反映近期的血糖浓度并预测低血糖和高血糖相关的并发症。血红蛋白A1C(A1C)仍然是评估缺乏晚期肾病或贫血患者血糖控制的广泛使用和值得信赖的工具。 A1C在患有终末期肾脏病(ESKD)的患者中的准确性和预测能力最近受到质疑。在晚期肾病中,A1C与血清葡萄糖浓度的关系发生了显着变化,因为与没有肾病的患者相比,在相似的葡萄糖水平下,AlC水平较低。



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