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Evoked human oesophageal hyperalgesia: a potential tool for analgesic evaluation?


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Hypersensitivity is a common finding in visceral disorders. Therefore, in the development and testing of analgesics for the treatment of visceral pain, it is important to establish an experimental pain model of visceral hypersensitivity. Such a model will mimic the clinical situation to a higher degree than pain models where the receptors and peripheral afferents are briefly activated as with, for example, electrical, thermal, and mechanical stimulations. In this study, a model to evoke experimental hyperalgesia of the oesophagus with a combination of acid and capsaicin was introduced. The study was a randomised, double-blind, cross-over study. Fifteen healthy volunteers were included. Sensory assessments to mechanical, heat, and electrical stimulations were done in the distal oesophagus, before and after perfusion with a 200 ml solution of acid+capsaicin (180 ml HCL 0.1 M and 2 mg capsaicin in 20 ml solvent) or saline. Oesophageal pain assessment and referred pain areas were evaluated. There were reproducible pain assessments between repetitions within the same day and between days (all P > 0.05). Acid+capsaicin perfusion induced 56% reduction of the pain threshold to heat (P = 0.04), 19% reduction of the pain threshold to electrical stimuli (P < 0.001), 78% increase of the referred pain areas to mechanical stimulation (P < 0.001) and 52% increase of the referred pain areas to electrical stimulus (P = 0.045). All volunteers were sensitised to one or more modalities by acid+capsaicin. The model was able to evoke consistent hyperalgesia and may be useful in future pharmacological studies.
机译:超敏反应是内脏疾病的常见发现。因此,在开发和测试用于治疗内脏痛的止痛药中,重要的是建立实验性内脏超敏性疼痛模型。与疼痛模型相比,这种模型将在更大程度上模拟临床情况,在疼痛模型中,例如通过电,热和机械刺激来短暂激活受体和外周传入神经。在这项研究中,引入了一种通过酸和辣椒素的组合引起食管实验性痛觉过敏的模型。该研究是一项随机,双盲,交叉研究。包括十五名健康志愿者。在用200 ml酸+辣椒素溶液(180 ml 0.1 M HCl和2 mg辣椒素在20 ml溶剂中)灌注200 ml溶液之前或之后,在远端食管中进行机械,热和电刺激的感觉评估。评估了食道疼痛评估和转诊疼痛区域。在同一天和几天之间的重复之间有可重复的疼痛评估(所有P> 0.05)。酸+辣椒素灌注使热痛阈值降低56%(P = 0.04),对电刺激的痛阈值降低19%(P <0.001),相对于机械刺激的疼痛区域增加78%(P < 0.001)和所提及的疼痛区域对电刺激的增加52%(P = 0.045)。酸+辣椒素使所有志愿者对一种或多种方式敏感。该模型能够引起持续的痛觉过敏,可能在将来的药理研究中有用。



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