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Recalculating the economic cost of suicide.


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These authors argue that estimates of the net economic cost of suicide should go beyond accounting for direct medical costs and indirect costs from loss of earnings by those who commit suicide. There are potential savings from: (a) not having to treat the depressive and other psychiatric disorders of those who kill themselves; (b) avoidance of pension, social security and nursing home care costs; and (c) assisted-suicide. By combining all of these costs and savings, it is concluded that the net economic cost of the 30,906 completed suicides in 1990 entailed an economic gain for the society of roughly Dollars 5.07 billion in year--2005 dollars. This calculation does not include estimated costs due to the psychological pain and suffering of the survivors. Suicide should be prevented based on humane considerations, not on the economic cost involved.
机译:这些作者认为,对自杀的净经济成本的估算应该超出对自杀者直接医疗成本和因收入损失而造成的间接成本的考虑。可以从以下方面节省成本:(a)不必治疗自杀者的抑郁症和其他精神疾病; (b)避免养恤金,社会保障和养老院护理费用; (c)协助自杀。综合所有这些成本和节省,可以得出结论,1990年完成的30,906例自杀的净经济成本为社会带来了大约50.7亿美元的年度经济收益-2005年美元。该计算不包括由于幸存者的心理痛苦而遭受的估计费用。应该基于人道的考虑,而不是所涉及的经济成本,来预防自杀。



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