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Selenium and vit E's role in udder health


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Although not strictly interchangeable, selenium and vitamin E go hand in hand and play a vital role in enhancing fertility and reducing mastitis, with vit E in particular seeming to reduce cell counts in fresh-calved cows. Vet John Shaw takes us through the scientific evidence. Selenium was discovered in 1818 and was initially thought to be toxic as two important diseases found in the Great Plains of America (alkali disease and blind staggers) are the result of chronic selenium poisoning. But in the late 1950s it was found to be an essential micro-nutrient and subsequently shown to have important roles in growth, fertility and immunity of cattle. Vitamin E is one of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and is actually a group of compounds, themost common and active of which is alpha-tocopherol. Vitamin E is found in large quantities in fresh forages but levels decrease rapidly after conservation. Fresh green forage contains five or six times more vitamin E than stored feeds and vitamin E levels in cows' blood generally fall in the winter, although some vitamin E can be stored in the liver.
机译:硒和维生素E虽然不能严格互换,但它们在提高生育能力和减少乳腺炎方面起着至关重要的作用,尤其是维生素E似乎可以减少鲜犊牛的细胞数量。兽医约翰·肖(John Shaw)为我们提供了科学依据。硒于1818年被发现,最初被认为具有毒性,因为在美国大平原上发现的两种重要疾病(碱病和盲目交错病)是慢性硒中毒的结果。但是在1950年代后期,人们发现它是一种必不可少的微量营养素,随后被证明在牛的生长,繁殖力和免疫力中具有重要作用。维生素E是脂溶性维生素(A,D,E和K)之一,实际上是一组化合物,其中最常见和最有活性的是α-生育酚。在新鲜草料中发现了大量维生素E,但在保存后维生素E含量迅速下降。新鲜的绿色草料所含的维生素E比饲料中的维生素E高五到六倍,尽管冬季中有些维生素E可以储存在肝脏中,但牛奶中维生素E的水平通常会在冬天下降。



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