首页> 外文期刊>Vacuum: Technology Applications & Ion Physics: The International Journal & Abstracting Service for Vacuum Science & Technology >Internal-antenna-driven inductive RF discharges for development of large-area high-density plasma sources with suppressed electrostatic coupling

Internal-antenna-driven inductive RF discharges for development of large-area high-density plasma sources with suppressed electrostatic coupling


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Large-area high-density RF plasmas at 13.56 MHz have been produced by inductive coupling of an internal-type double half-loop antenna (320 mm diameter), which was immersed in the discharge chamber with 400 mm inner diameter and 200 mm height The plasma source could be operated stably at RF input power of up to 2.5 kW to attain plasma densities as high as 5×10{sup}11 cm{sup}(-3) at argon pressures around 1 Pa, simultaneously achieving effectively suppressed electrostatic coupling. Azimuthal distribution of the plasma density showed the nonuniformity with m = 2 mode, which was found to be controlled by the RF voltage distribution along the antenna and the gas pressure.
机译:通过将内部类型的双半环天线(直径为320毫米)浸入具有400毫米内径和200毫米高度的放电室中,产生了13.56 MHz的大面积高密度RF等离子体。等离子体源可以在高达2.5 kW的RF输入功率下稳定运行,以在1 Pa左右的氩气压力下获得高达5×10 {sup} 11 cm {sup}(-3)的等离子体密度,同时有效地抑制了静电耦合。等离子体密度的方位角分布在m = 2模式下显示出不均匀性,这是由沿天线的RF电压分布和气压控制的。



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