首页> 外文期刊>Hypertension research: Official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension >Efficacy of various antihypertensive agents as evaluated by indices of vascular stiffness in elderly hypertensive patients.

Efficacy of various antihypertensive agents as evaluated by indices of vascular stiffness in elderly hypertensive patients.


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When observed in elderly hypertensive patients, increased pulse pressure (PP) and arterial stiffness are known to be independent risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Increased systolic blood pressure (SBP) leads to left ventricular hypertrophy, while decreased diastolic blood pressure (DBP) results in decreased coronary circulation. It is known that increased arterial stiffness is the major cause of increased PP. Thus basic morbid states of cardiac failure or ischemic heart diseases are more likely to develop in elderly hypertensive patients with increased PP and arterial stiffness, and there is need of antihypertensive drugs that decrease these effects in elderly hypertensives. In this study, we compared the effects of an angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARB: valsartan), an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I: temocapril), and long-acting Ca antagonists (L- and N-type Ca channel blocker: cilnidipine; and L-type Ca channel blocker: nifedipine CR) on PP and arterial stiffness measured by pulse wave velocity in elderly hypertensive patients for 3 months. The ARB yielded the largest reductions in PP and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), followed by the ACE-I and L- and N-type Ca channel blocker, while the L-type Ca channel blocker yielded no improvement. The effects on arterial stiffness and PP thus varied among the drug characteristics. Although ARB achieved the largest reduction in baPWV, this decrease was not associated with any reductions in PP, SBP, DBP, or mean blood pressure, as were the baPWV-decreases achieved by the other drugs, suggesting that ARB may further reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis in elderly hypertensive patients by decreasing arterial stiffness in addition to its antihypertensive effect.
机译:当在老年高血压患者中观察到时,脉搏压(PP)和动脉僵硬度增加是心血管疾病的独立危险因素。收缩压(SBP)升高导致左心室肥大,而舒张压(DBP)降低导致冠状动脉循环减少。众所周知,动脉僵硬度增加是PP升高的主要原因。因此,在具有较高PP和动脉僵硬度的老年高血压患者中,更容易出现心脏衰竭或缺血性心脏病的基本病态,并且需要降压药来降低老年高血压患者的这些影响。在这项研究中,我们比较了血管紧张素受体阻滞剂(ARB:缬沙坦),血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACE-1:替莫卡普利)和长效Ca拮抗剂(L型和N型Ca通道阻滞剂)的作用。 :西尼地平; L型Ca通道阻滞剂:硝苯地平CR),通过脉搏波速度测量老年高血压患者3个月的PP和动脉僵硬度。 ARB导致PP和臂踝脉搏波速度(baPWV)的降低最大,其次是ACE-1和L型和N型Ca通道阻滞剂,而L型Ca通道阻滞剂没有改善。因此,对动脉僵硬度和PP的影响因药物特性而异。尽管ARB实现了baPWV的最大降低,但这种降低与PP,SBP,DBP或平均血压的任何降低均不相关,正如其他药物实现的baPWV降低一样,表明ARB可以进一步降低老年人高血压患者的动脉硬化除了具有降压作用外,还可以通过降低动脉僵硬度来实现。



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