
Chapter 5. Treatment with antihypertensive drugs.


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POINT 5A 1.The preventive effects of antihypertensive drugs on cardiovascular disease are determined by the degree to which blood pressure decreases rather than its class.2.The antihypertensive drug to be first administered alone or concomitantly with other drugs should be selected from Ca channel blockers, angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, diuretics and β-blockers.3.Appropriate antihypertensive drugs should be selected considering positive indications, contraindications, conditions that require the careful use of drugs and the presence or absence of complications.4.Antihypertensive drugs are administered once a day, in principle, but as it is more important to control the blood pressure over 24 h, splitting the dose into twice a day is desirable in some situations.5.The use of two or three drugs in combination is often necessary to achieve the target of blood pressure control. A low dose of a diuretic should be included in this combination.6.Among the combinations of two drugs, those of a renin-angiotensin (RA) system inhibitor (ARB or ACE inhibitor)+Ca channel blocker, RA system inhibitor+diuretic, Ca channel blocker+diuretic and Ca channel blocker+beta-blocker are recommended.7.Simplification of the prescription using fixed-combination drugs is useful for improving adherence and controlling blood pressure.8.A gradual reduction in blood pressure is desirable in hypertensive patients in general, particularly in elderly patients, but the target control level should be achieved within a few weeks in high-risk patients, such as those with grade III hypertension and multiple risk factors.
机译:要点5A 1.降压药对心血管疾病的预防作用取决于血压降低的程度,而不是其类别; 2.应首先从Ca通道阻滞剂中选择单独或与其他药物同时服用的降压药,血管紧张素受体阻滞剂(ARBs),血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)抑制剂,利尿剂和β受体阻滞剂。3。应考虑阳性适应症,禁忌症,需要谨慎使用药物的条件以及是否存在或存在以下情况,选择适当的降压药4.原则上每天服用一次降压药,但由于控制血压在24小时内更为重要,因此在某些情况下最好将剂量分成一天两次。5。使用通常需要将两种或三种药物合用才能达到控制血压的目标。该组合中应包括低剂量的利尿剂。6。在两种药物的组合中,包括肾素-血管紧张素(RA)系统抑制剂(ARB或ACE抑制剂)+ Ca通道阻滞剂,RA系统抑制剂+利尿剂,推荐使用Ca通道阻滞剂+利尿剂和Ca通道阻滞剂+β受体阻滞剂。7。使用固定组合药物简化处方有助于改善依从性和控制血压。8。高血压患者需要逐步降低血压一般而言,尤其是在老年患者中,但对于高危患者(如患有III级高血压和多种危险因素的患者),应在几周内达到目标控制水平。



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