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Evaluation of Self-assessed Ocular Discomfort among Students in Classrooms According to Indoor Plant Intervention


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A cohort of sixth grade students at two newly constructed elementary schools in Seoul, South Korea, performed a self-assessment of ocular discomfort symptoms in association with indoor air quality (IAQ) by indoor plant intervention from early June to mid-Oct. 2011. Indoor plant intervention made little difference in air temperature and relative humidity, but stabilized the increasing levels of carbon dioxide. The indoor concentrations of formaldehyde and ethylbenzene showed little difference, but those of toluene and xylene showed a decreasing trend in classrooms with indoor plants. The participants in classrooms without indoor plants exhibited an increase in ocular discomfort symptoms at School A and a decrease in symptoms at School B; those in classrooms with indoor plants demonstrated a decrease in frequency at both schools. The variation of symptom severity did not follow a clear trend. Participants assessed their symptom severity of ocular discomfort with four options from three points for frequent occurrence to zero points for no occurrence. Among participants in classrooms without indoor plants, symptom severity significantly worsened at both schools as the scores increased from 1.96 to 2.17 at School A and from 2.27 to 2.34 at School B; among those in classrooms with indoor plants, symptom severity significantly lessened at School A and slightly worsened at School B as the scores decreased from 2.33 to 1.98 at School A and increased from 2.35 to 2.42 at School B. After spending the experimental duration in classrooms without indoor plants at both schools, 34.8% of participants at School A and 33.3% of participants at School B perceived their symptom severity as having increased. At Schools A and B, indoor plants decreased the frequency of participants experiencing an increase of symptom severity by 13.0% and 9.7%, and increased the frequency of participants reporting decrease of symptom severity by 34.8% and 22.6%.
机译:6月初至10月中旬,韩国首尔两所新建小学的一批六年级学生通过室内植物干预对与室内空气质量(IAQ)相关的眼部不适症状进行了自我评估。 2011年。室内植物干预对气温和相对湿度的影响不大,但稳定了不断增加的二氧化碳水平。室内有教室的教室中,甲醛和乙苯的室内浓度变化不大,但是甲苯和二甲苯的室内浓度却呈下降趋势。没有室内植物的教室中的参与者在A学校的眼部不适症状增加,而在B学校的症状有所减轻;装有室内植物的教室里的学生在两所学校的学习频率都下降了。症状严重程度的变化没有明显的趋势。参加者通过四种选择来评估其眼部不适的症状严重程度,从频繁发生的三分到没有发生的零分四种。在没有室内植物的教室中,两所学校的症状严重程度均显着恶化,因为学校A的分数从1.96升至2.17,学校B的分数从2.27升至2.34;在有室内植物的教室中,症状严重程度在A学校显着降低,而B学校则稍有恶化,因为A学校的分数从2.33下降到1.98,B学校从2.35上升到2.42。两所学校的室内植物,A学校的参与者中有34.8%和B学校的参与者中有33.3%认为其症状严重程度有所增加。在学校A和B中,室内植物使症状严重性增加的参与者的频率降低了13.0%和9.7%,报告症状严重性降低的参与者的频率增加了34.8%和22.6%。



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