首页> 外文期刊>The Madras Agricultural Journal >Effect of graded doses of nitrogen on quality attributes of pods in drumstick van PKM-1

Effect of graded doses of nitrogen on quality attributes of pods in drumstick van PKM-1


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Drumstick (Moringa oleifera Goertn cv. PKM-1 is one of the most useful trees of semi-arid and drought prone areas. The tree is valued mainly for the tender pods which are used as vegetable. The pods are cut into pieces and used in culinary preparations, pickles and also in making drumstick curry. The use of optimum level of nitrogen fertilizer is an important factor in improving the crop yields. Response to fertilizer varies with the soil type and agroclimatic conditions. There is lack of information about the effects of nitrogen on quality of pods. Hence, investigation was carried out to find out the response of drumstick pods to graded doses of nitrogen.
机译:鼓槌(Moringa oleifera Goertn cv。PKM-1是半干旱和干旱地区最有用的树种之一。该树的价值主要是用作植物的嫩荚。荚被切成片并用于烹饪制剂,酱菜以及制鼓槌咖喱。最佳氮肥用量是提高农作物产量的重要因素。对肥料的反应随土壤类型和农业气候条件的不同而变化。氮对豆荚品质的影响,因此进行了调查,以了解鼓槌豆荚对分级氮素的响应。



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