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The emphasis placed on the importance of family in the registered Holstein business is hard to parallel. The legacy of farms being passed down from generation to generation gives anyone who's experienced it a special sense of pride, and responsibilityto take the operation into the future. The same goes for developing the potential of a good cow family, it lies in the hands of those who care for it. At Airosa Dairy near Pixley, CA- Joey takes both of these responsibilities seriously. One hundred years ago, Joey's great grandfather immigrated to California from the Azores Islands with his four sons, where they milked twenty cows a piece by hand until 1938. At this time Joey's great-grandfather went back to Azores and the next generation purchased what is now called the "Home Ranch". The Airoso family has shipped Grade A milk from this same facility for over 70 years. In 1963 Joe Airoso took over the dairy at age 25, and four years later purchased the first registered Holsteins. That was when Joey joined 4-H and started showing. "Needless to say, we've been hooked ever since!" In 1979 the new ranch was purchased fourteen miles south of the home farm near Pixley, and is where the new dairy is located. The cows are split between two facilities- the "home" facility is used for transition cows as well as dry cows, fresh cows, and some older cows who don't do well in free stalls, and enjoy dry open lots. Fresh cows are milked three times a day here with the rest of the cows being milked twice a day ina 28 cow California flat barn.
机译:强调家族在已注册的荷斯坦企业中的重要性是无可比拟的。一代又一代传承下来的农场的遗产给任何经历过这种农场的人一种特殊的自豪感,并将其带入到未来。开发一个好母牛家庭的潜力也是如此,它掌握在那些照顾它的人的手中。在Pixley附近的Airosa Dairy,CA- Joey认真对待这两项职责。一百年前,乔伊的曾祖父带着四个儿子从亚速尔群岛移民到加利福尼亚,在那里他们人工挤奶了二十头母牛,直到1938年。此时乔伊的曾祖父回到了亚速尔群岛,下一代购买了现在称为“家庭牧场”。 Airoso家庭已经从同一家工厂运送了甲级牛奶已有70多年的历史了。 1963年,乔·艾罗索(Joe Airoso)于25岁时接管了这家乳制品厂,四年后又购买了第一批注册的荷斯坦奶牛场。那是乔伊加入4-H并开始出现的时候。 “不用说,从那以后我们就迷上了!” 1979年,新牧场在比克斯利附近家庭农场以南14英里处购得,是新乳制品的所在地。奶牛分为两种设施:“家庭”设施用于过渡奶牛,干奶牛,新鲜奶牛和一些较老的奶牛,这些牛在免费摊位中表现不佳,并享受露天空地。在这里,一头新鲜的母牛每天要挤奶3次,其余的母牛每天要在加州28头母牛的平谷仓里挤两次奶。



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