首页> 外文期刊>Health & place >Do adolescents who live or go to school near fast-food restaurants eat more frequently from fast-food restaurants?

Do adolescents who live or go to school near fast-food restaurants eat more frequently from fast-food restaurants?


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This population-based study examined whether residential or school neighborhood access to fast food restaurants is related to adolescents' eating frequency of fast food. A classroom-based survey of racially/ethnically diverse adolescents (n=2724) in 20 secondary schools in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota was used to assess eating frequency at five types of fast food restaurants. Black, Hispanic, and Native American adolescents lived near more fast food restaurants than white and Asian adolescents and also ate at fast food restaurants more often. After controlling for individual-level socio-demographics, adolescent males living near high numbers fast food restaurants ate more frequently from these venues compared to their peers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项基于人群的研究调查了居民或学校附近访问快餐店是否与青少年的快餐进食频率有关。基于课堂的对明尼阿波利斯/圣保罗州20所中学种族/种族差异的青少年(n = 2724)的调查。明尼苏达州的保罗被用来评估五种快餐店的进餐频率。与白人和亚洲青少年相比,黑人,西班牙裔和美洲印第安人青少年住在快餐店附近的地方更多,而且他们在快餐店吃饭的频率更高。在控制了个人一级的社会人口统计资料之后,住在高数量快餐店附近的青春期男性比同龄人在这些场所吃饭的频率更高。 (C)2012 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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