首页> 外文期刊>Health, risk & society >Finding a way between nihilism and romanticism: Some reflections on the practice and politics of the sociology of risk

Finding a way between nihilism and romanticism: Some reflections on the practice and politics of the sociology of risk


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This editorial argues that aspects of a number of contemporary debates within the sociology of risk, including those concerned with the nature of expert knowledge, the capacity of theory to address practical real-world issues, and the appropriate political stance of the scholar, were pre-figured in helpful and insightful ways in the work of the British medical sociologist Philip M. Strong (1945-1995). The recent publication of a selection of Strong's essays, which had earlier appeared in a disparate range of books and journals, makes a valuable resource available not only to specialist health researchers, but also to the wider risk research community.
机译:这篇社论认为,风险社会学领域的许多当代辩论的各个方面,包括那些与专家知识的本质,解决实际现实问题的理论能力以及学者的适当政治立场有关的方面-在英国医学社会学家Philip M. Strong(1945-1995)的工作中以有益而有见地的方式被描绘出来。最近出版的《斯特朗》论文选集最近出版于各种书籍和期刊中,不仅为专业健康研究人员,而且为更广泛的风险研究界提供了宝贵的资源。



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