首页> 外文期刊>Harvard international law journal >Triangular Treaties: The Extent and Limits of Investment Treaty Rights

Triangular Treaties: The Extent and Limits of Investment Treaty Rights




Investment treaties should be reconceptualized as triangular treaties, i.e., agreements between sovereign states that create enforceable rights for investors as non-sovereign, third-party beneficiaries. State A (the host state) agrees to provide certain protections to investors coming from State B (the home state) and vice versa. If the investor considers that these protections have been violated, investment treaties also grant the investor permission to bring an arbitral claim directly against the host state. As a result, the agreement is entered into by the home and host state (collectively, the treaty parties) but the protections are created for the benefit of and are typically enforced by, an investor from one state against the other state.
机译:投资条约应重新概念化为三角条约,即主权国家之间的协议,该协议为作为非主权的第三方受益人的投资者创造了可强制执行的权利。 A国(东道国)同意为来自B国(母国)的投资者提供某些保护,反之亦然。如果投资者认为违反了这些保护措施,则投资条约还准许投资者直接向东道国提出仲裁请求。结果,本国和东道国(统称条约缔约国)签订了协议,但保护措施的建立是为了使一个州的投资者针对另一州的利益,并且通常由该州执行。



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