首页> 外文期刊>Health promotion international >Health promotion outcomes associated with a community-based program to reduce pesticide-related risks among small farm households.

Health promotion outcomes associated with a community-based program to reduce pesticide-related risks among small farm households.


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A range of determinants at multiple socio-ecological levels operate in small farm households' use and handling of hazardous pesticides, suggesting the need for integrated health and agriculture promotion approaches. The aim is to assess changes in health promotion outcomes relevant to highly hazardous pesticide use associated with a multi-component community program. A longitudinal evaluation design using mixed methods was employed in 18 agricultural communities in Ecuador. Over a 7-month period, health education and agricultural interventions focused upon: health risks associated with hazardous pesticides, more adequate use and handling of pesticides, and better crop management techniques. Data collection included field forms, focus groups, structured observations and repeat surveys. In the qualitative analysis, communities were compared by extent of leadership and involvement with the interventions. For the quantitative analysis, hypothesized paths were constructed including factors relevant to pesticide-related practices and use. Testing involved gender-role stratified (household and crop manager) multivariable regression models. Information on pesticide health impacts and the pesticide use and handling, shared in focus groups, showed substantial improvement, as a result of health promotion activities though people were still observed to engage in risky practices in the field. In path models, community leadership and intervention intensity lead to changes in the household managers' pesticide-related knowledge and practices and to reduction in farm use of hazardous pesticides (both significant, p < 0.05). Integrated, community programs can promote pesticide-related risk reduction among small farm households. Changing practices in the use and management of pesticides among crop managers appears limited by deeper structural and cultural factors.
机译:在小型农户使用和处理有害农药时,一系列具有多种社会生态因素的决定因素起作用,这表明需要采取综合的健康和农业促进措施。目的是评估与多组分社区计划相关的与高度危险的农药使用相关的健康促进结果的变化。厄瓜多尔的18个农业社区采用了混合方法的纵向评估设计。在七个月的时间里,健康教育和农业干预措施的重点是:与危险农药有关的健康风险,更充分地使用和处理农药以及更好的作物管理技术。数据收集包括实地表格,焦点小组,结构化观察和重复调查。在定性分析中,根据领导力和参与干预的程度对社区进行了比较。为了进行定量分析,构建了包括与农药相关的实践和使用相关的因素在内的假设路径。测试涉及性别角色分层(家庭和农作物管理者)多变量回归模型。在焦点小组中分享的关于农药健康影响以及农药使用和处理的信息显示出了很大的改善,这是由于开展了健康促进活动,尽管人们仍然观察到人们从事该领域的危险行为。在路径模型中,社区领导力和干预强度导致家庭管理者与农药有关的知识和做法的变化,并减少了农场对有害农药的使用(均显着,p <0.05)。综合的社区计划可以促进小型农户减少与农药有关的风险。作物管理者在农药使用和管理方面不断变化的做法似乎受到更深层次的结构和文化因素的限制。



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