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New CMS Guidelines for Hospital Diet Orders


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On August 18, 2005, the CMS released a memo to state survey agency directors that described revisions to the CMS interpretive guidelines for hospitals participating in Medicare Part A. This memo was meant to provide clarification to issues related toseveral CMS standards. One of these standards, §482.28 (b)(l), states, "Therapeutic diets must be prescribed by the practitioner or practitioners responsible for the care of patients." No change in the actual standard occurred, but the interpretive guidelines have been altered as shown on the bottom of this page. The effective date for this change was September 19, 2005. Dietitians consider themselves to be the "nutrition experts." Many feel they are more capable than other members of the health careteam to determine the best possible diet for a patient. They say that physicians only receive a minimal amount of nutrition education so dietitians should determine the most appropriate diet for a patient. These dietitians often point out examples of diet orders they have seen written by physicians that were not appropriate (e.g., regular diets for diabetics, inappropriate tube feedings, regular-consistency diets for edentulous patients, and orders for diets that have not been approved for use in theirparticular facility).
机译:2005年8月18日,CMS向州调查机构负责人发布了一份备忘录,其中描述了对参加Medicare A部分的医院的CMS解释性准则的修订。该备忘录旨在澄清与多个CMS标准有关的问题。这些标准之一,第482.28(b)(l)条规定:“治疗饮食必须由从业者或负责患者护理的从业者开具处方。”实际标准没有发生变化,但是解释性指南已更改,如本页底部所示。这项更改的生效日期是2005年9月19日。营养师认为自己是“营养专家”。许多人认为他们比卫生保健团队的其他成员更有能力为患者确定最佳饮食。他们说医生只接受了最少的营养教育,所以营养师应该为患者确定最合适的饮食。这些营养师经常指出他们看过的医生写的不适当的饮食习惯示例(例如,糖尿病患者的常规饮食,不适当的管饲,无牙质患者的常规饮食以及未经批准使用的饮食规则)在他们的特殊设施中)。



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