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The Academy of Paper Arts: LAccademia delle Arti Cartarie


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I started my career as a papermaker in Fabriano's Miliani Papermills in 1985. After 14 years I resigned in 1999 to open my own papermakmg business. I have always thought that our tradition—800 years of paper history—was significant but that it was equally important to bring our history into the future. So I focused on innovation in products while maintaining respect for tradition and training, to ensure that this craft does not disappear. My experience, but above all my curiosity to discover new frontiers, guided me in the parallel paths of production and training. I started with a small workshop, with minimal equipment, in which I did all the experimentation that I could not do in the paper mill where I was employed. I began using aluminum moulds and synthetic felts, creating papers with special surfaces. Right away I began to participate in fairs and events, always invited by the organizers to demonstrate my craft. I also started to teach courses in schools and academies. Now I have a company and together with my partners we are an agency that employs eight people, helping, as well, to guarantee the future of a traditional craft that distinguishes Fabriano in the world.
机译:1985年,我在Fabriano的Miliani Papermills造纸厂开始了我的职业生涯。14年后,我于1999年辞职,开办了自己的造纸业务。我一直认为,我们的传统-已有800多年的纸张历史-十分重要,但将我们的历史带入未来也同样重要。因此,我专注于产品创新,同时保持对传统和培训的尊重,以确保这种工艺不会消失。我的经验,但最重要的是我发现新领域的好奇心,使我走上了生产和培训的平行道路。我从一个最小的设备的小作坊开始,在那儿我做了所有在我工作的造纸厂做不到的实验。我开始使用铝模和合成毡,创建具有特殊表面的纸张。我立即开始参加博览会和活动,总是受到组织者的邀请来展示我的工艺。我也开始在学校和学院教授课程。现在,我拥有一家公司,并且与我的合作伙伴一起,我们是一家拥有八名员工的代理机构,同时也帮助保证了在世界范围内与众不同的传统工艺的未来。



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