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The Economics Of High TVinnels


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eIVERYONE seems to be thinking about producing horti-I cultural crops in high tunnels these days. High tunnels can significantly increase the length of the market season by allowing earlier planting and by protecting plants from frost in the fall. A recent economic study conducted by Wen-fei Uva and Mei-Luan Cheng of Cornell University, and involving several New York producers using high tunnels, indicates mat these structures can be profitable, but it depends on the crop grown and how it is marketed. The study, sponsored by the New York Farm Viability Institute, surveyed growers of tomatoes, English cucumbers, cut flowers, and raspberries keeping expenses and income from crops sold for the 2006 and 2007 growing season. In addition, the growers shared information about the initial cost of the high tunnels they had erected on their farms.
机译:如今,eIVERYONE似乎正在考虑在高高的隧道中生产园艺类作物。高高的隧道可以允许较早播种并在秋季保护植物免受霜冻,从而大大延长了上市季节的长度。康奈尔大学的Wen-fei Uva和Cheng Mei-Luan Cheng进行的一项近期经济研究表明,使用高通道的几家纽约生产商参与其中,虽然这些结构可以盈利,但是这取决于作物的种植方式和销售方式。这项由纽约农场生存能力研究所赞助的研究对西红柿,英式黄瓜,切花和覆盆子的种植者进行了调查,以保持他们在2006年和2007年生长季节的支出和作物收成。此外,种植者分享了他们在自己的农场上建造的高架隧道最初成本的信息。



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