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Aquaculture: opportunity or threat to traditional capture fishermen


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Most aquaculturists support the notion that aquaculture has the potential to help segments of the commercial fishing industry. Not all commercial fishermen agree. There are definitely clear geographic differences in how fishermen feel about aquacare. The difference between Alaskan commercial fishermen and New England fishermen on this issue is quite marked. Dr. Rob Robertson, a professor in the Department of Resource Economics at the University of New Hampshire, interviewed 311 inshore fishermen from Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine (Robertson et al. 2001). He found that 53 percent were willing to be employed in the aquaculture industry. This would not be the case in Alaska where commercial fishermen are adamantly apposed to any netpen culture offish. In fact, the state of Alaska does not allow any netpen culture of finfish. Various segments of the commercial fishing industry also differ greatly. Shellfish harvesters support aquaculture because most of them are using aquaculture techniquesto enhance productivity, while New England lobster fishermen are concerned about losing valuable fishing grounds. In the Cedar Key area of Florida, there is a 10 million dollar clam aquaculture business with the majority of the 300 growers being displaced net fishermen. According to Chris Bartlett, commercial fishermen in the Cobscook Bay region of Maine, have been successful at contracting their services of delivering feed, transferring fish, harvesting fish and doing general maintenance, such as mooring work and towing cages to the salmon farms. Commercial fishermen have received financial compensation for working in open ocean aquaculture research projects in Hawaii and New Hampshire. If marine aquaculture successfully moves offshore, commercial fishermen, their vessels and their expertise will be needed.
机译:大多数水产养殖者都支持水产养殖有潜力帮助商业捕鱼业的观点。并非所有的商业渔民都同意。渔民对Aquacare的感觉绝对存在明显的地理差异。阿拉斯加的商业渔民与新英格兰的渔民在这个问题上的区别是很明显的。新罕布什尔大学资源经济学系的教授罗伯·罗伯逊(Rob Robertson)博士采访了来自马萨诸塞州,新罕布什尔州和缅因州的311名近海渔民(Robertson et al。2001)。他发现53%的人愿意从事水产养殖业。在阿拉斯加,情况并非如此,在那儿,坚决将商业性渔民安置在任何网棚养殖的鱼类上。实际上,阿拉斯加州不允许有鳍鱼类进行网箱养殖。商业捕鱼业的各个领域也相差很大。贝类捕捞者支持水产养殖,因为大多数捕捞者都在使用水产养殖技术来提高生产力,而新英格兰龙虾渔民则担心失去宝贵的渔场。在佛罗里达的锡达基(Cedar Key)地区,有一个价值1000万美元的蛤类水产养殖业,其中300名养殖者中的大多数是流离失所的网民。根据克里斯·巴特利特(Chris Bartlett)的说法,缅因州Cobscook湾地区的商业渔民已成功签约提供饲料,转移鱼,收获鱼和进行常规维护的服务,例如为鲑鱼场系泊工作和拖网箱。商业渔民因在夏威夷和新罕布什尔州进行的开放海水养殖研究项目而获得经济补偿。如果海水养殖成功地转移到海上,则需要商业性的渔民,他们的船只及其专业知识。



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