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Communicating the changes to cervical cancer screening in England: The choice to have an HPV test


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Scientific understanding of the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical cancer increased dramatically through the 1990s. The last 7 years have seen the introduction of HPV vaccination for young women in many developed countries. In parallel, the potential for HPV testing to improve current cervical screening practices is being explored. Primary HPV testing in the cervical screening context involves testing the cervical sample for the presence of HPV DNA. Many studies have shown that compared with cytology, HPV testing has improved sensitivity for detecting high-grade disease [1]. HPV-based screening would therefore detect precancer-ous lesions that would have progressed sooner than cytology. In the US, combined HPV and cytology is recommended for women over the age of 30 who wish to lengthen the screening interval [2].
机译:整个1990年代,人们对​​人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)在宫颈癌中的作用的科学认识大大提高。在过去的7年中,许多发达国家都为年轻女性引入了HPV疫苗接种。同时,正在探索进行HPV检测以改善当前宫颈筛查方法的潜力。子宫颈筛查中的主要HPV检测包括检测子宫颈样本中是否存在HPV DNA。许多研究表明,与细胞学相比,HPV检测可提高检测高危疾病的灵敏度[1]。因此,基于HPV的筛查可以检测出比细胞学检查进展更快的癌前病变。在美国,对于希望延长筛查间隔的30岁以上的女性,建议将HPV和细胞学结合使用[2]。



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