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Contribution of N Derived from a Hairy Vetch Incorporated in the Previous Year to Tomato N Uptake under Hairy Vetch-tomato Rotational Cropping System


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Utilization of cover crops helps the establishment of environmentally friendly agriculture due to their nutrition supplying ability mainly in the current year of application, but cover crop-derived N also remains until the following year. In the present study, the nutritional effect of a cover crop on tomato production in a greenhouse in the following year was investigated using the N-15-labeling method. Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa R., HV) was used as a cover crop. N-15-labeled HV (1319 mg N/pot) was applied to a 1/2000 a Wagner pot, and a fresh market tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), 'House Momotaro' was cultivated in it at 0, 80, and 240 kg.ha(-1) of N application in 2011 (N0HV, N80HV, and N240HV). After the tomato cultivation in 2011, the soil was stored in a greenhouse (the temperature varied from -4.1 degrees C to 26.5 degrees C) without any water or fertilizer. Tomatoes were cultivated again in the Wagner pots containing the soil used in 2011, to which was added the same rate of N fertilizer (0, 80, and 240 kg.ha(-1) of N) and unlabeled HV (935 mg N/pot) in 2012. Total N uptake of tomato plants was higher in N240HV (2377 mg/plant), followed by N80HV (1760 mg/plant), N0HV (1498 mg/plant). On the other hand, the uptake of N derived from HV applied in 2011 (HV2011, 1319 mg N/pot) was not different among the treatments (57.7 mg/plant on average); thus, nitrogen use efficiency derived from HV2011 in 2012 was 4.4% on average. This value was much lower than that in 2011 (47.1% on average), but HV2011-N also remained in the soil after the tomato cultivation in 2012 (500 mg N/pot). The distribution ratios of HV2011-N to the fruit in 1st and 2nd fruit clusters that developed in the early growth period were higher than those of N derived from soil, fertilizer, and HV applied in 2012. These results showed that although the N supplying effect of HV was small, HV could be available not only as short-term N source, but also long-term N source, and HV-derived N applied in the previous year was absorbed by tomato plants during a relatively early growth period in the following year.
机译:覆盖作物的利用主要由于在本年度的营养供应能力而有助于建立环境友好型农业,但是覆盖作物衍生的氮也将保留到第二年。在本研究中,使用N-15标记方法研究了次季农作物在温室中番茄的营养效应。毛v子(Vicia villosa R.,HV)被用作覆盖作物。将N-15标记的HV(1319 mg N /罐)应用于1/2000 a Wagner锅中,并在0、80和0的温度下在其中种植新鲜的番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L。),“ House Momotaro”。 2011年施氮240 kg.ha(-1)(N0HV,N80HV和N240HV)。在2011年进行番茄种植后,将土壤储存在没有水或肥料的温室中(温度从-4.1摄氏度到26.5摄氏度不等)。在装有2011年土壤的瓦格纳(Wagner)盆中再次种植西红柿,向其中添加相同比例的氮肥(0、80和240 kg.ha(-1)N)和未标记的HV(935 mg N /盆栽)。N240HV(2377 mg /株)的番茄植株总氮吸收量较高,其次是N80HV(1760 mg /株),N0HV(1498 mg /株)。另一方面,2011年施用的HV吸收的氮的吸收量(HV2011,每盆1319 mg N)无差异(平均57.7 mg /株);不同处理之间的差异无统计学意义。因此,2012年HV2011得出的氮利用效率平均为4.4%。该值远低于2011年的平均值(平均47.1%),但HV2011-N在2012年番茄栽培后仍残留在土壤中(500毫克氮/盆)。 HV2011-N在生长初期发育的第一和第二个水果簇中的水果分配比率高于2012年施用的土壤,肥料和HV衍生的氮。这些结果表明,尽管氮的供应效应HV的比例很小,HV不仅可以作为短期N源,而且可以作为长期N源,并且前一年施用的HV衍生的N在随后的相对较早的生长时期被番茄植物吸收了年。



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